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Jimin and his friends were having a good time at school. They are all doing good in school, and Jimin is modeling. Everything could get any better than that. Oh, yes it can.

Jimin and Jungkook have been spending a lot of time together. Now Jimin was at school, in the cafeteria with his friends. "Guys, help me, the girls in this school won't stop bothering me with their love letters, what should I do? Tell them I am gay?" Kai asks.

"Well, that is the best and the only option you have, even though I doubt they will give up," Jimin said. "Then I should get a boyfriend," Kai said. "Yea I guess," Niki said. "Me too, I also need a boyfriend," Sunoo said. "No, you don't, who would date you?" Niki replied.

Sunoo has been having a crush on Niki ever since they knew each other, but Niki never showed any interest in him. He decided to just move on with his life. Yes, he likes him but he cannot stop his live life over someone who belittles him all of the time.

"A lot of people would date Sunoo you jerk," Jisung said. "Thanks, hyung but I think I am gonna go out for a while. I will see some of you guys in the next class," Sunoo said before standing up and walking away. "Nice one Niki, then you claim that you like him, but you treat him like an asshole," Jimin said before running behind Sunoo.

He caught up with Sunoo. "Sunoo wait for me," he called for him. "No, I need to be alone right now Jimin," Sunoo said. "No you are not going to be alone, I know you like Niki hyung, and him talking that way about you makes you feel sad and insecure, I know how it feels, let's go to the soccer grounds and get some fresh air to think," Jimin said and they both walked out of the school building.

They got there and found the soccer team playing. A lot of girls screaming and cheering on them while they play, but Jimin and Sunoo were just talking about Niki and his behavior. "Sunoo, you know he didn't mean to say all of those words to you," Jimin said trying to convince him.

"No, he did, he always calls me names, saying I am fat, no guy would want me, I am a loser, I am ugly. Well, I am sick and tired of liking a jerk like him. He doesn't deserve me at all, I am moving on. I will find someone who will love me for who I am- aww" Sunoo said and right then he was hit by a ball.

The soccer ball to be exact. "Who the hell threw a ball at me?" Sunoo yelled asking. "I am so, sorry, I was kicking it but it went in the wrong direction, I didn't mean to," a tall guy said. To Sunoo he looked really cute and just looking at him, he blushed hard. "Sunoo are you okay? This guy has been trying to introduce himself for 10 minutes now," Jimin said snapping Sunoo out of his mind.

"I am s-sorry, I is- I mean you are- no I mean we look Sunoo,-" "his name is Sunoo, Kim Sunoo, and I am Park Jimin," Jimin said seeing that his friend is having trouble speaking as the boy in front of them charmed him.

"My name is Park Sunghoon, nice to meet you Jimin, and your cute friend, Sunoo, I will see you guys around," the guy named Sunghoon said then ran off to his teammates. "Wow Sunoo what was that?" Jimin asks him.

"He is so hot Jimin," those were the first words Sunoo as soon as he was able to talk again. "Really? You just embarrassed yourself and me too and your first words are he is so hot Jimin? Wow, even though you are not lying, I think he liked you. he also called you cute," Jimin said.

"Oh my God I have a new crush, he is so tall, and handsome, we should come to the soccer court every day," Sunoo said. "No, no way, I already have a man that plays soccer, I don't need to come to the grounds to look at a bunch of boys," Jimin said.

"Please Jimin? For me? Please, you see someone called me cute even when I am fat and ugly," Sunoo said. "No Sunoo, you are not fat or Ugly, you are beautiful, and your body fits you, Niki only said those because he doesn't know how to give out a compliment," Jimin said.

"I don't care what Niki thinks anymore, all I care about is that handsome hyung, Sunghoon, I like him, please hyung come with me, I can't come alone, I would look desperate," Sunoo said. "Well, you definitely sound desperate right now," Jimin said. "That's because I am, please Jimin," Sunoo begged.

"Okay fine, but I am telling the other queens about this, the need to know," Jimin said. "Sure whatever, as long as we get to come here," Sunoo said. "Okay, now the bell just rang, let's go to class, I believe we have maths right now?" Jimin said. "Yea we have maths, I hate maths," Sunoo said rolling his eyes.

They both stood up and walked back to the building, then to class. "Where did you guys go?" Jisung asked as soon as he saw them walk into class. "Well, Sunoo needed some air so we went to the soccer grounds, while we were talking and me obviously trying to convince him that Niki hyung was saying all of those things because he liked him. While he was telling me how he is over Niki hyung he got his on his head by the ball.

This cute guy from the soccer team came to us and started apologizing. And this queen right here just stood still and said nothing for like 10 minutes. I snapped him out of his mind and told him that the dude was trying to introduce himself. And he started speaking gibberish. I did the introduction, and the guy left but not before calling Sunoo cute.

The first words Sunoo said to me as soon as the guy went back to his teammates was that he is hot, like really? And that's what happened. In simple words, Sunoo has a new crush, and he is over Niki, I didn't think he will be this quick to get other him, but he did," Jimin explained to their friends.

"Of course, this didn't happen only today, I have been over Niki for like, a month now, I was tired of his terrible remarks about me, so I started thinking about myself and what I want, I ended up getting over him, and today I just got a new hot crush, and he is our senior, the soccer captain," Sunoo said.


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How was today's chapter? Did you love it? Do you think it is best that Sunoo moves on before he gets into a toxic relationship with Niki?

Why did I ship him with Sunghoo here?

Well simple, I like SunSun SunJay/JaySun way more better than Sunki.


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