All four Satans watch with interest even the usually lazy Falbium has straightened his own posture.

Yasaka silently cheers on for Gilgamesh since he is quite easy on the eyes in her own opinion.

Waver, who had watched over their last toast with a tense expression, went to meet the King's return with a sigh.

"Do you two actually get along?"

"Well, we'll be killing each other now. Or he could be the last opponent in my entire life that I will exchange glances with. I can't be ungrateful."

"... Don't be stupid."

Waver countered Alexander's joking tone with a stifled voice.

"There's no way you can be killed. I won't accept that. Did you forget my Command Seals?"

"That's right - yeah, that's it."

With an intrepid smile, Rider once again straddled the back of the waiting Bucephalus and unsheathed the sword affixed to his hip.

"Gather, my brethren! Tonight, we shall mark our gallant figures into the strongest legend!"

A wind of hot sand blew onto the bridge as though responding to the King's call and scattered the mist from the river.

The thoughts of the Heroic Spirits who had once seen the same dream as the King, drawn from beyond time and space, now came together and wove around the sword of the Cypriots.

A boundless blue sky. A horizon, blurred by the heat haze, that all would gaze at with a single heart in order to ascertain its very end.

The mental images of the brave ones who crossed time to seek the battlefield eroded even reality

and turned the uninhabited great bridge into a great plain with a raging whirlwind. And one by one, the Heroic Spirits hastened to the stage of the decisive battle they were ordered to.



Are some of the reactions of the audience.

"Oh my" Michael says in complete surprise alongside Gabriel.


This was the second time Waver had seen the spectacle of the arrayed lonion Hetairoj in their magnificence. Even though it was no longer something to be shocked by, now that he knew the meaning of this ultimate Noble Phantasm which actualized the kingship of Alexander, he was overwhelmed by a sense of awe even greater than the first time.

The shining elites of the cavalry the bond of lord and servant they had formed with the King of Conquerors once upon a time could overcome even the separation of life and the afterlife.

There was no place where their battlefield, sublimed into eternity, could not be actualized. If the King of Conquerors would again set forth in tyranny, then no matter where he was, his servants would hasten to him.

That was the pride of being together with the King.

"This is Rider's Noble Phantasm known as Ionioi Hetairoi! A Reality Marble in other words his own soul projected into the outside world" Li comments

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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