Chapter 11: "He's turned you soft, hasn't he?

Start from the beginning

Still, Zuko fought with pride. "You're wrong! Once I deliver the Avatar to my father, he will welcome me home with honour and restore my rightful place on the throne!" Zuko said. 

"If your father really wanted you home, he would have let you return by now, Avatar or no Avatar. But in his eyes, you are a failure and a disgrace to the Fire Nation." Zhao said.

I couldn't even get angry anymore. I just felt sad for Zuko. I knew what it was like to be a disgrace with no home.

"That's not true," Zuko said.

"You have the scar to prove it," Zhao responded.

"Maybe you'd like one to match!" Zuko suggested furiously.

"Is that a challenge?" Zhao asked in a slightly mocking tone.

I bloody hope it's not.

"An Agni Kai. At sunset." Zuko declared. I sighed, head in my hand. 

Zhao stepped back, a smirk on his face."Very well. It's a shame your father won't be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your uncle and your woman will do." I lifted my head up at the use of the word Woman. I scowled at him from my chair, and he just kept smirking. He left the room with that last sentence.

Zuko dropped his brave face and looked worried. "Prince Zuko, have you forgotten what happened last time you duelled a master?" Iroh reminded him.

"I will never forget", Zuko stated darkly.

I shook my head. I would never forget it either.

I stood on the sidelines of an open-roofed arena

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I stood on the sidelines of an open-roofed arena. Zuko and Zhao kneeled on the ground, backs turned away from each other. They both had ceremonial capes draped over their shoulders. Iroh stood in front of Zuko. "Remember your firebending basics, Prince Zuko. They are your greatest weapons." Iroh reminded.

I gnawed at the half-chipped polish on my nails, uncharacteristically worried and nervous. Why was I? Zuko had this look on his face, full of contemplation but also resolve. He knew what he was doing.

I hope.

"I refuse to let him win", Zuko declared. Zuko stood up and faced Zhao, the cape falling from his shoulders. He was shirtless. Actually, he was quite defined. Pretty toned. He had been working out a lot more since his banishment, and it was–

Oh my god, what am I thinking?

I visibly shook my head, feeling embarrassed for even thinking those thoughts inside my head. I kept chewing on the polish, the bitter taste seeping onto my tongue. Zhao began to speak. "This will be over quickly." I rolled my eyes. If I knew one thing about Zuko, it was that he didn't give up without a fight, which I admired about him.

A loud gong rang, loud even for my partially deaf ears. They assumed firebending stances for a moment, glaring at each other, eyes slit. Zuko began, bringing his arms down in a wave of fire and directing a blast at Zhao. Zhao dodged it, moving to the right to dodge Zuko's attack once more. Zuko shot two more strong blasts at Zhao, but Zhao dissipated the flames with ease.

I tapped my foot nervously, attempting to keep track. Zuko performed a roundhouse quick, spraying a flurry of flames out. Zhao counterattacked with his own flame, pushing it away. Zuko attempted it again, and the same scene played out. Zuko panted as Zhao continued to smirk.

"Basics Zuko, break his root!" Iroh shouted out in support.

"Find his weak point!" I joined in, trying to give any consolation. I could see Zhao scowl at me from the left side of the arena. Zhao ferociously attacked Zuko with a fire blast, knocking him back slightly. Still, Zuko dissipated the flames, bringing them to his side. Zhao used the same attack again, knocking Zuko back again. Zuko diverts them once more. This time, Zhao planted his feet firmly on the ground. Bringing his wrists together, he directed a powerful attack at Zuko.

Zuko was thrown onto his back and slid several metres on the ground. I inhaled sharply. He grunted in pain. Zhao walked to Zuko, huffing in pain. He raised his fist, ready to give the final blow. I stepped forward, but Iroh held me back, shaking his head. I tried to speak, but nothing came out.

Suddenly, Zuko's eyes flew open. He rolled over, dodging Zhao's attack, and spun his legs around in a fan of flames, using the momentum to jump up. Whilst getting up in a swirl, he swept Zhao's legs from underneath him. Zhao hastily clambered back up. Zuko stepped forward confidently, swiping a wide fan of fire at Zhao's feet.

Zhao got caught off balance, and Zuko repeated the same move a number of times, attempting to throw him to the ground. Zuko directed a powerful attack at Zhao, and the commander was barely able to send it the other way. He scampered back. Zuko hit him again, and this time, the Commander fell over completely, his back flat on the ground. Zuko ran up to him, threatening him with an outstretched arm.

"Do it!" Shouted Zhao, gaze filled with hatred but also fear. 

Zuko threw his fist forward, shooting a ball of fire right next to Zhao's head, sparing him.

"That's it? Your father raised a coward," Zhao said, clearly in defeat. In my opinion, his father raised the opposite.

"Next time you get in my way, I promise I won't hold back." Zuko finished, anger clear in his voice.

Zuko began to walk away. Zhao got up, his back facing Zuko. Suddenly, he turned around, aiming his foot at Zuko and kicking a ball of fire at him. I ran over to Zhao and stopped him midway through the attack, grabbing his leg. The flames fizzled out, but a few licks caught my hand. I thrust Zhao and his leg away, causing him to slide backwards. I looked at him in disgust.

Zuko began to run back up to him, but Iroh held him back. "No, Prince Zuko, do not taint your victory," Iroh said. He then turned to look at Zhao in all his disgrace. "So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat? Disgraceful. Even in exile, my nephew is more honourable than you. Thanks again for the tea. It was delicious." Iroh finished, summing up Zhao's childish defeat perfectly.

They began to walk off, but I hung back slightly. I faced Zhao. He sneered at me.

"Don't ever attempt that again," I threatened, voice menacing and final.

"He's made you soft, hasn't he?" Zhao asked in a condescending tone. I looked away. "He has." He confirmed.

I began to turn away.

"I will be back, Laina Xu. Will you be there to protect him once more?" Zhao echoed as I turned away, sending a chill down my spine.

As I walked back to the ship, I began to reflect. I got caught up and forgot why I was there: for the Dai Li. That's all it was. I was letting myself become consumed by it. I forgot what I was tied to and what contract I signed.

Would I ever get out of that contract?

I stroked my tender bruise, trying to drown the thought out.

A/N: Hey! This chapter took me ages T-T. I  never knew how hard it was to write with an existing script and scenes. But this is one of my favourite episodes because we begin to route for Zuko as an underdog. She's already falling for him🤭

I hope I've sustained you with enough updates because I'm going to Japan in 2 days, so I may write a little, but no updates. Thank you for your votes! Little by little, you're all helping me get there :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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