i. trouble at the arcade

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"And that's it for today's live music livestream, folks!" Natan put down his guitar and waved to the camera.

[Aww man!]
[I was just about to dono to request a song ㅠㅠ]
[Dang, it's over already!?]

Seulgi, the girl with honey golden eyes wearing glass framed glasses chuckled as she read the chat through her phone. Natan leaned closer to read it along with her.

[Kyaa! They're so close with each other! >///<]

"You shippers just don't stop!" Natan chastised as he pointed to the camera. The donation notification rung.

[Aiyee just donated 1.000 Won: 25.000 Won if you two hug, bonus 60.000 Won if you kiss!]

"Come here!" Seulgi laughed as she enveloped Natan in a bear hug.

"Oi! You're hugging me too tight!"

[Now kiss!]
[Kiss goddammit!!!]

"Alright, I'll give you a kiss too!" Seulgi peppered his face with sloppy kisses, obviously avoiding his lips.

"FUCK! Are you all happy now?!" Natan groaned as he detached himself from Seulgi.

[Damn, we almost had them.]
[Aiyee, you should be more specific next time ㅠㅠ]
[Aiyee just donated 85.000 Won: Good bye guys... It's been fun. ㅠㅠ]

"Yay! We got money. Thank you all for today's stream!" Seulgi bowed.

[It was a nice stream guys!!]
[See ya next time!]

"Huh? Who said we're ending stream?" Natan cackled and moved the tripod.


"We're going out to play!" Seulgi informed them as she put on her red jacket.

[Hell yeah!]
[Let's goooooo!]
[A DATE!!!]

Natan's face covered the whole screen and glared at the camera. "Not a date!"

[I'm disappointed.]

"I'm closing the camera with my hat so you guys can't dox us while we walk!" Natan covered the camera with his hat.

[Then what can we see, dumbass?!]

"We'll read your chats through my phone," Seulgi chuckled, "Yes, I see you guys. Hi!"

"We'll just chat along as we walk to our destination. I'm sure that's alright?" Natan opened the door and let Seulgi out first, then closed the door behind him.

"I'm sure they're fine. Please tell us what food, drinks, or snacks we should get along the way!"


"You guys--! I was suffering from carrying all of these!" Natan complained as he opened the camera, letting their viewers see the food the two had bought. "Are we going to do a mukbang or something?!"

[Omg ya'll really went all out in the donos ㅋㅋㅋ]

"Sweet potatoes, sodas, milk, potato skewers, fishcakes, mayak gimbap, ddeokpokki, peppero... Are you guys trying to make us do the peppero game?" Seulgi crossed her arms and squinted her eyes.

[Shit, she caught us!]
[Abort mission!]
[At least we tried...]
[Where are you two?]

"Haha, but you guys recognize the background and noise right?" Seulgi playfully picked up the tripod and turned it around, "We're at an arcade!"

Natan flipped around the camera. "We're about to play some Tekken while we eat. See the screen? Now see the table! It's full of food!"

[We're not sorry!]
[Good luck!]

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