2-Let the rest come easy

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Slamming my door behind me i threw myself onto my bed, he softness of the comforter and pillows taking me into a deep sleep. That is until my side vibrated waking me up. My whole body shook in surprise and my eyes shot open.  I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone to see that I had received another text from Jack. Without even taking the time to read the text I lazily replied, "I'm heading to bed. sooo tired. gn jack" I closed my eyes and began falling asleep again. My side vibrated once again but I ignored it and let sleep consume my body.



My alarm rang out at 6:30 am, waking me up. My hand beat around my night stand struggling to find the snooze button. It was a Monday, the worst day of the week. The only thing that made my morning some what pleasant as the text that Jack had sent me before I was even awake. "Good Morning Alex :)" It was so simple but it still gave me butterflies. It felt odd knowing that I've only known this boy for 2 days,  but he was great.

Before I knew it 15 minutes had gone by and I hadn't even started to get ready. I jumped out of bed and searched my closet for something decent to wear to school. I slipped a black, blue, and yellow blink-182 shirt over my head and a pair of black skinny jeans on my legs. Straightening and stlying my hair took a good 20 minutes and before I knew it it was 7:15. I shoved my homework into my backpack and threw it over my shoulder, running down the stairs to leave. I grabbed a fudge flavored poptart from the cabinet and headed out the door. "Bye mum!" I shouted, my mouth filled with a half chewed poptart.

The high school I went to was only 3 blocks away so driving wasn't really an advantage to me, besides I'm not allowed to drive to school until I'm a senior. I'm only a junior. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time, 7:27 a.m. I still had 3 minutes until the bell rang for school to start. Instead of running I took my time and walked at a steady pace still making sure I wouldn't be late.

By the time I had arrived at school I still had 10 minutes before the homeroom bell rang. I pushed against the bodies in the hallway going the opposite direction as opposed to me. At my locker I had grabbed my books and papers I needed for that half of the day also making sure I had at least 2 pencils so I didn't have to beg around for an extra pencil. After closing my locker I looked around the crowded area surrounding me. I spotted out some kid being beat up by a football player. "Get out of here faggot" the large, tall, muscly teenager yelled at the kid while slamming him against the lockers. The guy looked absolutely terrified, he struggled to protect himself from the incoming pain. He was tall, lanky, and had dark hair that was messily but neatly spiked up with blond streaks on one side of his head. That poor kid. I felt bad for him. I would speak out for him but I'd prefer that I don't go home with a black eye. As I turned around to go to homeroom I heard him whimper at another punch being thrown at him.

I awkwardly shuffled to homeroom, trying to forget the horrible scene I had just seen. Sitting in the back I pulled out my phone, putting it on vibrate and then checked my texts realizing I had forgotten to reply to Jack. "Good Morning Jack. sorry for the late reply I was in a rush" I slipped my phone into my front pocket and within a minute or two it vibrated again. I always kept my phone in my front pocket. Noise wasn't a problem since it was on vibrate , but if I keep it in my back pocket the whole chair shakes and it makes an obnoxious noise that 1. gets me into trouble 2. the whole class starts to laugh and stare at me. "No problem. I don't care if you're allowed to have your phones out or not at school because you are going to text me.." I smiled a little at his demanding message. Really we weren't allowed to have our phones out but everyone did anyway, including myself. The teachers honestly didn't care about either. Unless you had a strict teacher like Mr.Muser, the physical science teacher and my homeroom teacher.

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