。*:°.•✯ Ch³ ✯•.°:*。.

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‘Siren...’ Heejin hears a breathy masculine voice and she instinctively turns around only to see a man at the edge of a familiar cliff, she walks towards him doubtful with an unsettling feeling inside her and the movement she reaches him he turns his back on her and as if she knew what was about to happen she lets out a cry

“ NO!!” As the man jumps off the cliff, Heejin follows his lead anxiously in hopes of reaching out to him but her fall is cut short as she wakes up to reality.
Heejin wakes up her heart thumping against her chest violently.

An ominous feeling settled within her, which was soon forgotten by the annoying ringtone of her phone's alarm.

She had to get to work, Heejin got out of the bed and dragged her tired self towards the bathroom to start her day.


The hospital hummed with activity as Heejin navigated the corridors, her footsteps echoing against the sterile walls. Nurses hurried past her, doctors conferred in hushed tones, and the occasional sound of medical equipment beeped in the background.

Heejin had to check up on her patients from the accident and give back the holographic pendant to it's owner whom she presumed to be the man from the mountain.

By the time Heejin was done with her duties it was already evening. She decided to look for the owner of the pendant as she grabbed a cup of coffee from the hospital cafeteria.

As she checked the patient list, a gnawing sense of unease settled in Heejin's chest. She had expected to find the man among the admitted patients, but to her bewilderment, there was no record of him anywhere in the hospital's system.

Determined to find him, Heejin approached the receptionist's desk, hoping for some clarity. "Excuse me," she began, her voice tinged with urgency, "I'm looking for a patient who was brought in last night from the Nasburn incident. He was found in the forest. Do you have any information about him?"

The receptionist furrowed her brow, tapping away at her computer keyboard . After a few moments, she shook her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, Doctor Park, but there's no record of such a patient in our system. According to the report no one was found near the forest."

Heejin's heart sank at the news, her mind racing with possibilities.

Could he have been transferred to another facility? Or worse, could he have succumbed to his injuries in the forest?

Lost in thought, Heejin almost didn't notice Taehyung approaching her with a friendly smile.

"Hey there, Dr. Park," he greeted, his eyes filled with curiosity.
Heejin's gaze snapped to Taehyung, remembering that he had been present during the rescue operation.

"Mr.Kim, I need your help," she said, her tone urgent.

Taehyung's smile faltered, replaced by a look of confusion and concern. "Of course, how can I help you?"

"Do you remember the man we found in the forest last night?" Heejin asked.

Taehyung nodded solemnly. "Yes, I do. Is everything okay?"

Heejin hesitated, debating how much to disclose. "I didn't see him during the rounds and I can't find any record of him in the hospital's database. So I was wondering what happened to him?"

Taehyung's expression mirrored Heejin's concern as he shook his head. "That's strange. We brought him here ourselves plus his injuries weren't that serious there were only some burns a bruises, so he should be in the system. Let me check with the other paramedics and see if they have any information. But why are you asking for this?"

"It's nothing much, I happened to have found something near the area which I think might be his, so I wanted to return it." Heejin answered.

"Ah I see, was it something precious?"

Before Heejin could respond, a staff member interrupted their conversation, calling her name urgently.
"Dr. Park, we need you in the emergency room immediately."

Heejin sighed, torn between her duty and her desire to uncover the truth about the missing man. Turning to Taehyung, she hastily handed him her business card. "We need to continue this conversation later. If you find out anything about the man, let me know."

Taehyung nodded. "Sure."

With a nod of thanks, Heejin hurried off to attend to her duties, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties.

Exiting the surgery room after the emergency she had to attend, Heejin felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. As she made her way towards the changing room through the empty hospital corridors, her mind wandered, replaying the events of the day. However, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted when she noticed a sleek black cat emerging from the male changing room.

Puzzled by its presence in the hospital, Heejin approached the cat cautiously. But before she could reach out to it, the feline slipped away and disappeared into a nearby hallway, leaving Heejin standing there, perplexed.

She quickened her pace towards the hallway where the cat had disappeared, unexpectedly Taehyung appeared seemingly out of nowhere, causing them to collide with each other.

"Taehyung, did you see that cat?" Heejin inquired, still baffled by its sudden appearance and the collision.

Taehyung blinked in confusion before chuckling lightly. "Cat? No, I didn't see any cat. Are you sure you're not just seeing things, Heejin? Maybe you're just tired."

Heejin sighed, feeling a mixture of frustration and exhaustion creeping in. "Perhaps you're right. It's been a long day."

Taehyung nodded sympathetically. "Why don't you go home and get some rest? It's impossible for a cat to get inside the hospital anyway."

Heejin nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom in Taehyung's words. With a weary sigh, she turned to leave, her steps heavy with fatigue. Unbeknownst to her, Taehyung's gaze lingered on her retreating figure, a sinister glint in his eyes betraying the facade of concern.

As Heejin disappeared from view, Taehyung's lips curled into a malevolent smile, a dark aura surrounding him as he watched her depart. Whatever sinister intentions lay behind his facade of friendliness remained hidden, waiting to unfold in the shadows of the hospital corridors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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