Chapter 38

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Marcus;damnit I told them not to bother me or you Pramanix
Marcus said as Pramanix sits straight and stretches

Marcus holds his hand out as a holographic figure of wolf knight appears

Marcus;what is it wolf knight and it better be important
Marcus said as he was not in a good mood right now

Wolf knight; well my lord it appears that someone has challenged you
Wolf knight said as he waits for a response

Marcus; from who might I ask
Marcus asked as he waits

Wolf knight; Rias Gremory sir and she threatens to and I quote "destroy those you care about and hand your kingdom over to issei"
Wolf knight said with a bit of disgust from repeating those words

Pramanix could already see Marcus enraged expression as he stands up and changes into his battle armor

Marcus;tell the other generals that it's a scenario  6 and have them to prepare for any surprise attacks also have the civilians move to a safe location I don't want any risks to their lives.........and have nobunaga, nagao, Olivia and snow tiger meet me in the thrown room
Marcus said in a commanding tone as he takes any kind of threat to his kingdom seriously as well as wanting to protect Pramanix

Marcus already knew that Rias might try something to enter the kingdom and try to hold the citizens hostage but Marcus was a step ahead as he made a contingency for such an occasion like this....Marcus tells Pramanix help the generals with moving people to a safe location while he heads to the thrown room

As he heads into the thrown room he sees that nobunaga, nagao, Olivia and snow tiger have already arrived to the thrown room

Marcus; I want you to follow me
Marcus said as he walks towards them

Olivia;is this about that Rias bitch my lord
Olivia asked as she cracks her knuckles

Snow tiger; it is as some informants have told me and shadow that they might try to attacks us seeing as her pawn issei hyoudou has defeated Sairaorg while using a illegal move triaina
Snow tiger said

Nobunaga: so basically she thinks she can attack us just because she beaten someone, man she must have left her brain somewhere for thinking this
Nobunaga said as she loads her rifle

The betrayed lord (high school dxd)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin