Chapter 33

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Wolf knight: whatever it is I'm sure it won't be good besides for now we have to raise the defenses and be prepared for any attack
Wolf knight said

Shadow: should I along with some of my group go gather some information about their members and their skills?
Shadow asked as he tries to stand up but snow tiger stops him

Snow tiger; shadow your still recovering  from your injuries allow me to handle this task
Snow tiger said as he looks towards shadow

Marcus; I agree with snow tiger shadow as your still recovering anyways Argus I want you to have some of your forces to increase patrol routes
Marcus said as he looks towards his other generals

Argus; of course my lord
Argus said as he bows towards him

After that they finished their meeting with Marcus's generals going to complete their tasks that Marcus gave them....after a few days after the meeting Marcus had with his generals.

right now it's night time as it ways quite and the air was cold but after a few minutes later a magic symbol appears close to the border of the kingdom as a group with one of them holding a spear looking around them.

This person was Cao Cao who is the leader of the hero faction and the wielder of the Longinus.

Cao Cao: so this is where the leader of the yokai faction is currently at are you sure George?
Cao Cao said as he looks around

George: I'm sure this is it I traced her magical signal here
George said as they head towards the kingdom

Before they could get any closer a large sword lands in front of them causing the ground to break and create a massive crater

before they could understand what was going on a few figures appear and are to be reveal to be Marcus and his generals (except for shadow as snow tiger took his place).

Marcus; you have to nerve to try and invade my kingdom hero faction
Marcus said as he picks up the sword that caused the crater near them

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