Chapter 11

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As they talked one of the guards ran towards Marcus and Pramanix

Guard:my lord an miss Pramanix there's an issues that needs your attentions
The guard said as he bows towards them

Marcus stands up and looks towards the guard
Marcus;take us there
Marcus said as he and Pramanix said goodbye to the kids and followed the guard

As they follow the guard they see that they were heading towards crover's magic they walk inside they see a massive study with large shelves moving from place to place

Marcus;I forgot how confusing Crover's magic center can be Marcus said as Pramanix gets confused as well

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Marcus;I forgot how confusing Crover's magic center can be
Marcus said as Pramanix gets confused as well

Pramanix;yeah plus gets kinda easy to get lost
Pramanix said as she holds Marcus cloak as she follows him

As they walk they see Crover with someone on a they get closer they see that is someone from the angel faction

Crover sees Marcus and Pramanix than he stands up while closing the book he had
Crover;my lord you've arrived
Crover said as he looks towards them

Marcus;Crover what's the situation
Marcus asked as he looks towards him

Crover;well some of shadow's spies found this woman outside our border and when they got her all she said was don't let them have it before going unconscious
Crover said as motions towards a object covered in cloth

Marcus walks towards the object and can feel a bit of holy energy
Marcus;must be a holy artifact
Marcus said as he removes the cloth over the object

As he does he becomes serious as this would cause problems for his kingdom

Pramanix;my lord what's wrong?
Pramanix asked as she sees his face

Crover looks at the object and steps back
Crover;that's a piece of Excalibur
Crover said as he looks at the sword

Marcus;Pramanix call wolf knight and have him take this to a guarded area and have Argus contact the angel faction about their member Marcus said as he looks at the sword

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Marcus;Pramanix call wolf knight and have him take this to a guarded area and have Argus contact the angel faction about their member
Marcus said as he looks at the sword

Pramanix nods
Pramanix;of course my lord
Pramanix said as she and the guard head out of the building

Smaug;if it's really a piece of Excalibur than that means someone must be collecting them
Smaug said

Marcus nods gently
Marcus;most likely however

Crover;shall I inform you when she wakes up
Crover asked as he looks towards Marcus

Marcus looks towards crover
Marcus;yes and make sure there wasn't any tracing magic on's would most likely mean that who ever attacked her might come back to finish the job
Marcus said as he wraps the cloth over the sword again

(A few minutes later)

After wolf knight secured the piece of Excalibur in a safe location marcus started to use his staff to train see how right nows a perfect time to do it since right now there wasn't a problem yet

Smaug;the only faction that would probably attack a holy faction member would have to be the fallen angels
Smaug said

Marcus uses his staff to destroy a large rock
Marcus;maybe but until than let's hope that the holy faction comes and takes both the person and the sword away from here
Marcus said as he puts his staff away

As he does Pramanix runs towards Marcus
Pramanix;my- I mean Marcus 2 holy faction members have arrived and they are waiting for you in the throne room
Pramanix said as she catches her breath

The betrayed lord (high school dxd)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang