Chapter 1

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Marcus was running towards an abandoned church were Rias and the others were at

Marcus;shit shit shit I'm late
Marcus said as he pulls out his hammer

As Marcus gets to the location to see no one there Marcus;this is strange they must be inside Marcus said as he heads inside

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

As Marcus gets to the location to see no one there
Marcus;this is strange they must be inside
Marcus said as he heads inside

As he heads inside he sees black feathers on the ground and he carefully picks a feather up

Marcus; this is a fallen's feather which is strange but the reports state that it was a stray that was here I think it's a fal-
Marcus gets cut off by a sword hitting his shoulder

Marcus looks over his shoulder to see kiba who stabbed him
Marcus;what the hell kiba!?!
Marcus shouted as he gets thrown into a wall by koneko

As Marcus hits the wall something falls out of his pocket and lands next to him

As Marcus hits the wall something falls out of his pocket and lands next to him

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Koneko;it's about time we dealt with you
Koneko said as she cracks her knuckles

Marcus looks up and sees Rias and akeno walking into the abandon church with the Rias summoning a magic circle in her hand

Akeno;just seeing him like this is Hilarious
Akeno said as she shocks Marcus with her lighting

Marcus screams as Rias picks up the stone where Marcus was at
Marcus;Rias what's going on?!
Marcus asked while he was in pain

Rias looks at the stone
Rias; isn't it obvious Marcus I'm getting rid of you because in the end you could've never summoned your secret gear you're a burden to us to me goodbye Marcus
Rias said as she shoots a hole through Marcus's chest

As Marcus life begins to fade he looks for three years and the others with sadness it began slowly turning into hate as when he first joined her group she promised him that his dream will come true but in the end she lied and now she ended his life

Rias looks towards the stone and smiles
Rias; now that the disappointment is out of the way we can focus on getting new members but for now this stone that the weakling wait wha-
Rias said as she looks at the stone as it loses its colors and it becomes a regular stone

rias Now disappointed that the stone is just a regular store now throws it at Marcus's body and she an her Group leave the church... as they leave Marcus ' body began to glow a bright orange before he and the stone are teleported away

(Marcus's subconscious)

Marcus felt emptiness around him before he feels something hit his back and he opens his eyes to see around him was a large amount of gold and gems

Marcus; where am I wasn't I dead?
Marcus said as he looks around

?; Who dares try to steal my gold
A voice A coach through the area Marcus was at

Marcus;who the hell was that
Marcus said as he looks around As the ground begins to shake

As the ground to change the shake more violently Marcus is what's causing it and he shocked when he sees

It was a dragon not any dragon Smaug once known as king of the mountain destroyer of kingdoms and the one made the heavenly dragons feared him

It was a dragon not any dragon Smaug once known as king of the mountain destroyer of kingdoms and the one made the heavenly dragons feared him

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Smaug; so a little human know a little demon has dared awaken me
Smaug said as he stands in front of Marcus

Marcus; i'm sorry to disturb you well it wasn't my intention though I did die but ends up here smaug
Marcus said

Smaug; you know my name yet I do not know yours demon last time I saw your kind was during The war against the three factions plus those weakling heavenly dragons
Smaug said as he leans closer to get a better look at Marcus

Smaug; you know my name yet I do not know yours demon last time I saw your kind was during The war against the three factions plus those weakling heavenly dragonsSmaug said as he leans closer to get a better look at Marcus

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Marcus; Oh my bad lord smaug my name is Marcus Blaise it's kind of an honor to meet you you known as the most terrifying dragon in the archives down in hell
Marcus said

Smaug expression change when Marcus of the word known
Smaug; known demon I am still the most feared dragon why do you speak of this note as if I was dead
Smaug said with a angered Tone

The betrayed lord (high school dxd)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang