Chapter 39

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Nagao: whatever let's beat this bitch and her dumbass group!!!
Nagao said as she smiles in excitement

Marcus sweats as he was freaked out about Nagao's obsession with battles and fighting
Marcus; anyways let's get this done
Marcus said as he and the others stop in front of the barrier

As they do they see Rias and her group trying to break the barrier but sadly with no success even with issei (aka the dumbass) using what appears to be a rip off of a hulk buster to damage the barrier

As they do they see Rias and her group trying to break the barrier but sadly with no success even with issei (aka the dumbass) using what appears to be a rip off of a hulk buster to damage the barrier

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Snow tiger;it seems that this is the illegal move
Snow tiger said as he pulls out his sword

Nagao:uh man I thought it will be cool but no it's a damn knockoff of a hulk buster
Nagao said as she frowns

Nobunaga; plus I bet he loses a lot of speed kinda making him a easy target
Nobunaga said as she yawns

Olivia; I can probably beat him with my eyes closed
Olivia said as she looks on with disappointment

Marcus's mind; I'm also disappointed from seeing this
Marcus thought as issei continues to hit the barrier

Smaug;I'm disappointed with Draig even having a host like him
Smaug said as he shakes his head in disappointment

Marcus decided that it was enough wasting time as he walked closer to the barrier
Marcus: will you stop hitting the barrier already? Because my estimate that you've been hitting it for around a good few hours
Marcus said as he crosses his arms, waiting for issei stop

Issei: lower this barrier so I can beat you and take over this dump!
Issei yelled as he looked at Marcus

Rias; I agree with Issei just hand over this place and hand over any woman that are in there
Rias said

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