Chapter 31

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Marcus teleports himself and Pramanix back to the kingdom without problems.....after a day from that event smaug asked Marcus why he didn't kill loki

Marcus; it would've been pointless to be honest here, but the fact that he's a god and that he is also Odin's young son it would be worse case if I had killed him..... Besides that is not my concern if anything if I were to deal with that problem I would've had to work with the three factions making me work with the Gremory witch

Marcus explained as he looked through some paperwork...... as he was looking through the papers he noticed his one that caught his attention as it was a letter from yasaka leader of the yokai faction

Within the letter it stated that she was coming over to the kingdom along with her assistant and her daughter and then she said there was something important she had to say with great urgency....Marcus puts down the paper as he calls for Crover and nagao.

Crover; you have called for us my Lord is there something you need?
Crover asked as he kneels in front of marcus along with Nagao

Marcus; yes I want The two of you to prepare some housing for some guests are coming over
Marcus said as he looks towards them

Nagao; um my lord why are we just preparing housing is there something wrong?
Nagao asked as she looks at Marcus

Marcus; these guests are important as well as they have urgent matters they wish to discuss with me...Crover I want you to set up barriers around that house as well as the alarms.... It seams whatever they wish to  discussed with me must be very important......Nagao I want you to guard them when they enter the kingdom can I count on you to do that
Marcus said as he looks towards them

Both of them look at each other and both nodes towards Marcus letting him know that they understand their orders he has given them....... After a couple of hours of waiting Yaska, Yae Miko and yaska's daughter kunou

Marcus;hello lady Yaska I hope the journey here was alright
Marcus asked as he looks towards her

Yaska;the trip was fine lord blaze I would like to introduce my daughter Kunou
Yaska said as Kunou bows towards Marcus

Marcus;it's nice to meet you as well young one now in the letter you sent it stated that you wanted to talk to me about something?
Marcus said as he looks towards Yaska

Yaska;yes there is
Yaska said as nagao walks into the room along with Crover

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