At some point it stops working

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Therapy helps a lot in the beginning. But after some years you get to a point where you know why you are stressed, you know what's causing it, and you can't stop working or stop going to school, so you want a solution for reducing the amount stress.
Then the therapist keeps saying that you have the answers and at that point I'm like "bitch I pay you a lot of money and that's your big advice?!, if I knew how to do that, if I had the proper brain tools to do that, do you think I would be here paying you?"
And then stupid people show up with "go to the gym, run, go out more, take vacation, bla bla bla"
So my response is "all those things are a temporary solution sweet heart, have you seen a pressure pot, if you keep ignoring it at some point it might blow up, and guess who is the first Im going to punch in the face when that happens?"

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