It's valid

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Don't judge the hell of another because you might be adding more flames to your own.

Have been hurt mentally and emotionally,
Fell to the ground so many times that you lost count,
Hated yourself more than any enemy could ever have,
Felt lonely, but people needed you to make them happy despise what you wanted.
Most of the time you self-sabotage because you believe you don't deserve anything good which brought all those bad experiences.
You were lucky compared to others so you weren't allowed to complain.
Then, one day, a person came up and said that what you felt was valid and that comparing yourself with others was wrong.
That it's valid to be both, good and bad, and that you decide what type of character you would like to become.

Everyone has their hell doesn't matter the level of hardship. To that person, is the most devastating war of all time, and that, is the only thing that matters.

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