Chapter 18: Shut Up and Kiss Me Already!

Start from the beginning

"-if he didn't like men!" Russia finished. He was crossing his arms.

"Just tell me what you want," Ukraine sighed.

"I want you to leave him alone," Russia demanded.

"That's not gonna happen."

"And why not?"

"Because I'm not doing anything that you tell me to do. I'm tired of it!"

"Fine, then we'll have to do this the hard way."

"Can we do it later? I have a lunch date to get to," Ukraine sighed. Russia already knew it was with Germany and he felt like he had been stabbed in the chest, and by his own sister too. How could she?

"With... with who?" he asked.

"Germany," Ukraine said. Russia just left. Finally Ukraine could get ready in peace.

Germany arrived around 11:55 to pick Ukraine up. They went to a nice little restaurant just on the outskirts of the city, it hardly had any customers, which was nice. Ecuador ran the place with Uruguay, it was really a nice restaurant.

"Hey, isn't it funny how Ecuador runs this restaurant right on the border of the city?" Germany chuckled. Ukraine laughed along.

"Yeah, it really is. So how've you been doing?"

"Same as yesterday, just a little bit less tired," Germany chuckled.

"I get that, yesterday was a lot for me too," Ukraine related. 

"I still feel so horrible about how your brother acted, I can't imagine what he's like when I'm not there," Germany sighed.

"Yeah. He actually payed a visit this morning," Ukraine admitted.

"What for?" Germany asked.

"Telling me to leave you alone," she chuckled.

"That's... something he'd do," Germany sighed. Russia was a really great guy, it was true, but he was always so jealous... I guess that means he'd never cheat on me though, because he loves me so much, Germany thought. He smiled a little bit at the thought. Ukraine seemed to notice and she dropped the corners of her mouth, staring soullessly at Germany. How was she supposed to convince this man not to love her brother? It would only bring him trouble like it had brought her. Uruguay brought their food out and they both smiled at him. "Thank you."

Throughout their whole lunch, the only thing Ukraine managed to do was make Germany like Russia more and more. When she told Germany about how overprotective of a brother he was, the only thing Germany thought of was that he'd be a great father. When she told him that Russia was a bookworm growing up, he thought it was the cutest thing to imagine a little baby Russia curled up on a chair reading a book.

Ukraine sighed after Germany payed for the food and they both got into the car. "Would you like to come home with me?"

"Sure! We can hang out and watch a movie?"

"Sounds good to me." Ukraine smiled. She put her address into the GPS and Germany drove them there. She lived in a little cottage in the woods on the outskirts of the town.

"Your house is so cute," Germany said, walking inside.

 "Thank you! I put a lot of effort into it after I moved out. Russia inherited most of father's land when he died because he was the favorite, but we got these little parts that were spread about the city," Ukraine explained. Germany sat down on the loveseat that was right in front of the TV. Her house was made mostly of wood- it reminded Germany of when he would visit Soviet as a kid... It smelled like the forest in there, it was a very calming place in general. "What should we watch?"

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