Chapter 15: Messed Up

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"What the heck is your problem lately?!" Germany yelled, pushing Russia away from him.

"What? I didn't do anything wrong!" Russia argued.

"First of all, you kissed me without asking! Second, you did it in front of Poland! You know she likes me!" Germany countered.

"I didn't notice her, I swear!"

"You were looking right at her! I can't believe you'd do something like this, after all we've been through..." Germany sighed, remembering a time when they were just kids. "Take your stupid French horn and get out of my sight. I don't wanna talk to you anymore."

Russia's cold heart got even colder, so cold that it completely froze and fell apart, leaving nothing but thousands of little shreds of ice inside his chest where his heart should have been, where it was when he was only a boy. When he was a boy he didn't have to worry about things like these. He didn't have a country to run, and all of his siblings didn't hate him. Now look at me... Russia thought. What would father  think if he saw me broken over such an irrelevant country, especially the son of his own enemy... I guess it runs in the family to break Russian's hearts. Russia sighed picked up his French horn and waved goodbye to Germany.

"I suppose this is it, then. Goodbye," he said sternly, giving a small salute to stick it in Germany's heart that he just broke ties with a superpower, and to remind him of what his father did to Russia's own. Germany felt what Russia did, and he clenched his fist. Russia hadn't left yet, so he thought this was the perfect time to do something he'd wanted to do for a very, very long time. He jumped up and punched Russia right in the face. The larger country fell to the side and grabbed on to his knees to support himself, dropping his French horn in the process. He wiped this mouth... Germany had drawn blood.

"That's for being an arschgeige all these years. I hope you finally come to terms with how much of an absolute failure you are. Maybe you'll finally find it in your heart to be a good person and stop following in your father's clumsy footsteps. But that's not likely, now is it? Besides the point, I told you to leave. So get out of my face before yours hits concrete!" Germany said, confidently. Russia gave him a cold look from the corner of his eye and left, taking his French horn with him. How could he forget it? It was his best friend now.

Germany crossed the street over to where Poland was standing and frowned.

"I'm sorry about Russia," that was all he said. Lithuania looked at him coldly, he had witnessed the whole thing. But he sighed and moved out of the way, realizing that Germany hadn't betrayed Poland, Russia had just been a shithead. His thoughts, not mine. "Are you alright, Poland?"

"No, I'm not alright... how could you do that?!" she sobbed, staring Germany in the eye.

"I'm sorry, Russia decided he wanted to kiss me right after he saw you... I understand if you're mad at me, but I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Germany sighed.

"It's... it's okay, I understand, Russia's just down bad and it isn't your fault," Poland sighed, hugging Germany.

"Either way... I... I don't know how to say this, but..." Germany began. Poland's eyes lit up. "I think we should just be friends. I'm sorry."

"No worries, I understand, you're probably super overwhelmed with everything..." Poland mumbled, still latched on to Germany, who hugged her back. Czechia sighed. If Poland's not gonna be with Germany, then I have no reason to not go after him myself... she thought, but then she realized that she had pretended to not like him so much that she just... didn't anymore. She realized that she had thought this before, and chuckled. Gee, I'm stupid! 


Russia walked into his house and just sat down on the floor in front of the couch, leaning back on to it. He sighed and rubbed his eyes while he dialed America's number.

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