Chapter 14: A-Marching We Go

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It has been WAY too long since I've last updated so I'd like to explain myself!! I don't wanna stretch this though so just read my comment under this paragraph. <3

"That's surprising, I never expected you two to have met," Japan admitted.

"He is my biggest trading partner, he surpassed even America back in 2017," China said. Germany smiled.

"Even before that we were good friends."

"And you never told me?" Japan crossed his arms.

"We didn't think you would care," China sighed.

"My big brother and best friend are friends! I think I should know that!" Japan argued.

"You shouldn't care about what happens in my life, focus on your own! Although, it isn't like you have one anyways," China replied. A knocking on the door.

"Can I help you, Lithuania?" Japan asked.

"Oh yes. I heard Germany was here," Lithuania smiled.

"What do you need me for?" Germany sighed.

"This is from Poland. I ought to be on my way now," Lithuania explained. He then left hurriedly from the doorstep while Japan closed the door behind him.

"A letter? Why can't she just text you?" China asked, invading Germany's personal space. On accident, of course.

"It's more sentimental when something is handwritten and in material form. In stupid terms, it's a different vibe," Germany explained while he opened the letter.

"You think I'm stupid?!" China sobbed, overreacting on purpose as he stumbled backwards and clutched on to the couch, his mouth wide in an angry expression of shock.

"I'm too tired for this," Germany sighed.

"Well then at least read the card to us!" China begged.

"Read it over my shoulder if you have to," Germany sighed. And that's exactly what China and Japan did.

Dear Germany,

I received the letter you sent me. I accept your apology, and I hope me not being able to deliver this to you personally doesn't affect how you perceive the sincerity of this letter. That having been said, I'd prefer it if you didn't share the rest of this letter with anybody. Germany shooed the others away. I understand that you have a lot going on and that you've expressed that you never truly knew how it felt to be loved, and I can tell that you don't know what to do with yourself. I remember feeling that way once, so I'd like to tell you that no matter what happens, we'll always be friends... or more. Anyways, I should be released today! I'm super excited!

Love, Poland.


As Germany walked side by side with his friends through the city, he saw a tall man wearing a black hat with floppy ears and fur on the inside. He automatically assumed that he knew who it was and he went up and shoved the man.

"Germany! What was that for?" Sweden yelped while he balanced himself.

"Oh sorry Sweden! I thought you were somebody else... are you okay?" Germany mumbled.

"No worries. I understand if you thought I was Russia."

"Yeah it's just the hat..."

"No worries, it happens a lot. This isn't a Russian hat though."

"Alright, bye!" Germany sighed.

"Pfft, what was that?" China laughed.

"Shut up! You would do the same thing! You already know what he did."

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