Chapter 7: Jealousy

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The car ride to EU headquarters was rather uneventful. Russia stared out the window and Germany mainly focused on driving. Russia occasionally mentioned something random, like the fact that he hadn't changed. Germany parked in his reserved CEO parking space which was right next to the entry. They walked in and Germany's actual bodyguards- Sweden and Denmark- accidentally pushed Russia to the ground. Germany held out his hand and Russia took it.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm alright," Russia said, pulling himself back up.

"Denmark, Sweden, what do you have to say?" Germany looked at them, eyes full of disappointment. They both looked at Russia.

"We're sorry, sir," they said at the exact same time.

"Good. Now make room," Germany ordered. They stepped away from him and made space in between them for Russia to walk next to Germany. Just as they got to the elevator, somebody tapped Germany's shoulder.

"Oh, good morning, Italy," he said, turning around.

"Morning, boss! I see you've brought a friend with you?" Italy smiled and nodded his head at Russia. Russia wasn't quite sure what it meant, but he did it back anyways.

"Yes. Do you not have affairs to attend to?" Germany puffed out his chest. He was a bit taller than Italy, but a lot stronger too.

"Oh sorry sir, I should get on that..." Italy sighed.

"Best be on your way then," Germany smiled at Italy, almost menacingly. He scurried away, afraid of the far stronger country. Germany turned back around and walked into the elevator, relaxing a bit.

"Gee, why are you so rude to Italy?" Russia asked. Sweden was standing next to Russia, so Sweden grabbed Russia by the arm and held a knife to his neck.

"What the hell?!" Russia squirmed.

"Do not disrespect the boss," Sweden mumbled. Only Russia could hear him.

"Sweden," Germany ordered. He had a certain tone which he would use to say so many things in so little words. He only ever used it on his bodyguards- they were the only people who knew what it meant. Sweden let go of Russia, and Russia rubbed his neck.

The elevator finally stopped at floor twenty-seven, Germany's office.

"Boring office compared to your room," Russia said. Germany looked slightly flustered, however had a look of anger on his face. With all that emotion, he kept a small smile to distract himself from it.

"I realize now how weird that was," Russia said.

"You should have realized that before you said it," Germany said, his voice shaky. Denmark and Sweden looked at each other, almost communicating with their eyes.

"They're totally gay," Denmark communicated.

"Hell yeah they are," Sweden agreed.

"It's not what it sounds like, I promise," Germany said to Denmark and Sweden.

"It's okay boss, we support you," Sweden said.

"Yeah, I was one of the first countries to recognize same-sex partnerships! In a good way!"Denmark added, enthusiastically.

"I appreciate it, but Russia and I aren't together," Germany mumbled.

"Oh right. Sorry, we must have forgotten about your date with Poland," Sweden apologized.

"How do you know about that?" Germany asked.

"Everybody knows about it. America told us all," Denmark confessed.

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