Chapter 5: Roses

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Germany woke up the next morning feeling horrible, the way he always did when he woke up after he payed a visit. He knew he would be fine and got out of bed, walking into the kitchen.

"What the f-" he almost said, covering his mouth. There was somebody in his house!

"Oh, hi Germany. I thought I'd let myself in and make you breakfast," the person said. Germany immediately calmed down when he saw who it was.

"I forgot you have a copy of the key to my house. God, you scared the life out of me," Germany chuckled.

"Whoops. Sorry, next time I'll let you know when I'm coming over."

"I'll remember to expect you. What are you cooking?" he asked.

"Pancakes!" he said, smiling.

"What did I expect..." Germany sighed.

"What, you don't like pancakes? Sorry..." he apologized.

"No, it's okay! I love pancakes. It's just like the only thing you cook," Germany explained.

"Oh. It's a joke most of the time. You know the stereotypes, goofy humans," he smiled. "At least I'm good at it though!"

"I can't argue with that," Germany said.

"Pancakes are done!" he said, putting some on a plate with authentic maple syrup on the side.

"Why are you here anyways?" Germany asked. He'd probably already explained, but Germany was too tired to remember.

"Because America is being an idiot and you're the smartest country out there. I needed a break from stupid people," he explained.

"America is an idiot," Germany rolled his eyes.

"Well he was being an extra idiot," he said, folding a towel that he had used to clean the counter. "Got any plans today?"

"Not really," Germany responded, taking a bite out of one of his pancakes.

"Ooh have you ever seen a real moose?" he asked.

"Random, but no," Germany said.

"Sometimes I see them when I visit British Columbia. They like the cold I guess," he explained. Just then, they heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Germany sighed. He opened the door to see Poland and Czechia. Poland was red as a tomato, but Germany didn't notice.

"Oh, hi. What's up?" he said.

"U-uhm... I was just uh... wondering if you'd..." Poland paused and breathed in heavily.

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" she asked swiftly, looking away.

"Sure. I don't have any plans anyways," Germany responded, smiling.

"I-It's a date then!" Poland said. She handed him some red roses. Germany was completely flustered. A date?! He'd never been on a date before. He didn't even think that this was implying a date! Did he even like Poland like that? God, he wasn't sure about anything at that moment... except for the fact that Poland was staring into the kitchen.

"W-Why's Canada in your house so early in the morning...?" she asked. She looked sad and confused.

"He just stopped by to cook breakfast," Germany explained. Poland looked over at Czechia, who was staring back at her with eyes full of pity.

"Uhm, I guess I'll see you tonight at seven? I'll pick you up from your place," Germany offered.

"Great, thanks!" Poland choked out, completely disregarding the fact that Canada was in Germany's house as her face returned to her flustered look. She walked away with Czechia and Germany shut the door behind them. He put the roses into a white vase.

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