Chapter 9: Options

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When Germany walked out of the hospital room Russia stood up.

"Hey," Russia said, smirking.

"Hello. Should I drive you home?" Germany asked.

"Only if you want to," he responded.

"Whatever. I'll drive you there," Germany rolled his eyes.

"Bye guys!" Denmark said.

"Yeah, bye," Sweden added. They all said goodbye to each other and Russia and Germany got into his car.

"Does your car hold any sentimental value to you?" Germany asked.


"You heard me."

"Oh, uhm, no not really it's just the paint color..." Russia sighed. Germany had no idea why the paint color was so important. It was a bright red.

"Okay," Germany smiled. "I don't know your address..."

"Oh here, I'll put it in the GPS," he said, taking Germany's phone from it's stand which latched on to the vents above the dashboard.

"Really?" Germany looked at Russia, unimpressed.

"What?" he asked.

"That's my address."

"Oh, whoops. Guess you'll have to take me there then," Russia smirked. Germany rolled his eyes and started up the car.

"Why do you even want to come home with me?" Germany sighed.

"My house is boring. I like yours better," Russia said.

After another uneventful car ride, they finally arrived at Germany's house, where Russia's car still was. They walked into the house.

"I knew it!" Italy said, holding up his phone. He was recording them.

"Italy, how did you get into my house?" Germany sighed.

"You left the back door unlocked. But I ask the questions!" Italy yelled. Russia sighed. "Why are you here with Russia if you're dating Poland?"

"Because we're friends. What, I can't have friends at my own house?" Germany said.

"Not when you act like you're dating!" Italy responded.

"We do not! And we are not!" Germany crossed his arms.

"I mean I wouldn't mind..." Russia said. Then he realized Italy was holding his phone which he was using to record them.

"I'm telling Poland!" 

"Don't you dare! Plus, I never said anything! It was all him."

"Boohoo!" Italy said, then he ran out the back door and drove away.

"I hate that guy," Germany sighed. He grabbed a beer from his fridge.

"Yeah. Today was a rough day, wasn't it? America backstabbed you, Poland's in the hospital, and now this..."

"At least I can still trust you," Germany sighed.

"So how are things with Poland?" Russia asked, sitting down on the couch next to Germany.

"They're good. She told me she loves me, but..." Germany looked down.

"But what?"

"I'm... just not sure if I like her back. I wanna keep my options open."

"Oh, I see. Do you plan on telling her or are you gonna play her?" Russia asked.

"I'm gonna tell her! Just... not while she's in the hospital," Germany sighed. He knew he should tell her, but when she's in the hospital because of one of his allies? Plus, who knows why France did that. She's a very jealous person... so what if it's because of him?

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