Prelude To The Fated Disaster

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Xiao Hua

After he kiss Xiazi and Panzi went away to ask for medical assistance, Xiao Hua sit down on the floor and try to have a look at Xiazi's injured leg, but was stopped by an intense pain on his shoulder. Previously, adrenaline was working as a painkiller, but now that it was fading, he was starting to really feel the strain.

"I told you to let me go, now you have really done yourself." Xiazi sighed as he sat too by his side.

"No matter what, I will have never let go... you can complain as much as you want, but if you were in my position, you will have done the same.

"Yah, that's right. So... does it hurt too much?"

"I can ask you the same... your leg is not much better than my shoulder."

"It's not as bad as its looks. I have sturdy boots."

"Who are you kidding with? I know they are cheap, they always are, even when I have gift you very good ones."

"Ah, Master Hua, they are my treasures."

"They are not supposed to be treasures, Hei Xiazi, they are supposed to prevent things like that or snake bites..." Xiao Hua pouted and Xiazi smiled before he gave his Master Hua a quick kiss.

"Yeah, I get it... for our next adventure, I will use your mighty boots, I promise." He said as he raised solemnly his hand in promise and Xiao Hua sighed.

"If you can wear them that is... let me have a look."

"It's fine, I swear it's not that bad."

"I have stopped believing in your, it's not that bad, since Tamutuo, so let me see how bad it is before we go back and join the team in Banai."

"If I let you do that, you will insist on me staying."

"Then you stay, I can handle Banai on my own."

"Not with that injured shoulder."

"I have it worse and I have live to be here right now."

"Xiao Hua, you are really awesome, we all know that. Your martial art skills are among the best, your agility and wit mind, a gift from the heavens, but the Zhang's do not follow the usual tomb traps. I assure you, they are extreme and distrusting even with their own members, not to mention strangers. Even with the answers of the doors it doesn't mean safety beyond them. You can't handle yourself in such a place while injured, because to be honest, it will be very dangerous even at your best."

"It looks like you know more than you said."

"I confess I was once inside, but I didn't go all the way to the Pavilion... that's a hellish place I don't really have the drive to defy."

"Then, you have already decoded the passwords here?" Xiao Hua asked curiously.

"No. To use the right way to enter, you need two teams working at once and I was used to work on my own back then. As a curious man, I give this place a try, but it wasn't as I expected so I leave it behind."

"Then, there is another entrance?"

"There are, but unless you stumble on them by accident, as I believe I did, you won't be able to find them at will."

"Didn't you mapped the entrance?"

"The Zhang's secrets are no joke, I have no heart to curse myself with that. I pity Yaba Zhang big time."

"So you also think that what the Zhang's are guarding so fiercely is the secret of longevity?"

"You have study the yellow silk, so I'm not surprise you believe that, but if they simply guarded such a secret, it would had been cracked ages ago. What the Zhang's guard, is worse than that. They guard the safety of the world itself." Xiazi confessed.

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