A Hint Of Heihua

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Hei Xiazi

After a hard day of driving the two angles of the Iron Triangle for shopping and later training with his old Master, Hei Xiazi was exhausted and disappointed for not finding anything better to gift his Master Hua with. He truly wanted to bring back home something memorable for him, just like Wu Xie had find the perfect gift for his Zhang Qiling.

After a few hours of been physically 'beat' by Wu Xie's one man army, he thought he had get over his disappointment, but as he throw himself over Xiao Hua's pristine white soft couch, he found himself sighing, having no present to give to Xiao Hua, when Wu Xie had prepare such a lovely surprise for his lover.

"What's with that face? You knew from the start that you were going to lose against Zhang Qiling... we both were just keeping him busy for Wu Xie." Xiao Hua said as he sat by his side and look at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know how great he is... he train me when I was younger, so I know how he fight better than anyone else... and he is still so strong..."

"How did you two knew each other?"

"The same as now... jobs we have done together and some other stuff I can't tell you about, as they are not mine to retell."

"I swear, sometimes you are as mysterious as him and you also are different than the rest of us."

"Different how? I'm just a bit more skilled than most."

"It's not just a bit, you can see perfectly in the dark and are basically blind during the day if not for your sunglasses. How is that normal? Also your hearing is quite developed as well... just how on Earth are you connected with Zhang Qiling?"

"I am not connected with Yaba Zhang at all, we just... have a few things in common."

"Like the Bronze Gate?"

"That's an off topic."

"So I guessed right..."

"Master Hua... there are some secrets that are better left in the darkness."

"Chen Wenjin said on her journal that she went inside the gate along with Zhang Qiling a year or so ago and then you seems to know more than you said about the meteor she and Zhang Qiling went in Tamutuo."

"I only know is a dangerous place."

"You are such a liar... and you won't believe what Zhang Qiling did today after you left him on the train station."

"What, did he also wanted to look for a gift for Wu Xie?"

"Not exactly, but Zhang Qiling did called me right after you left him and you will never guess where did he wanted me to take him."

"Oh? How come he give orders now?"

"Well, it sounded quite urgent if he took the initiative to actually ask for anything and more so coming from someone other than the Iron Triangle and despite what we all think of him as just Wu Xie's lover, he is the head of the Nine families, even if Zhang Ri Shan is acting on his place right now."

"Well, that's true... so where did you take him? Don't tell me he had another hidden lover somewhere..."

"Idiot, Zhang Qiling is capable of doing pretty much anything he wants except that."

"Yeah, he so wiped by Wu Xie... you pair of cousins are so capable enchanting men..."

"Do you regret it now?" Xiao Hua asked as he moved to place himself over his tired lover in the couch.


"That's good to hear... I was planning on help you relieve your tiredness..." Xiao Hua whisper as he slowly closed the distance between their faces.

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