Taking The Risks

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Wu Xie

He punched the stone block as a first reaction to his desperation, then try his best to push the heavy thing with all the strength in his body, but with no use, as it was simply too heavy for him to make any difference.

"Pangzi!! Help me!!!" Wu Xie yelled, although it wasn't really necessary for him to ask his best friend for help, because Pangzi was already trying his best to trigger the mechanism with his own fingers, in hope that the thing will open and bring Xiaoge back, but with no better luck than Wu Xie's futile tries.

However, seen that there was no use in trying Xiaoge's way, he joined Wu Xie in trying to push back the block and so did Xiu Xiu, Lao Guo and a few more others. With their combined strength, they tried their best to push the thing as hard as they could and after a minute or two of forcing it, they hear the mechanism work and the block started to move.

Immediately, they let go of the block and waited for the bed to be pushed up to them and what they see over the cold ice jade bed, make Wu Xie's blood freeze over even more so than his body was. Instead of Xiaoge, what they were looking at with their jaws dropped was the can of meat that they had use for testing and it was now buried inside a thick cocoon of amber.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, nooooooo!! Xiaoge!!! We have to get him out of there right now, or he will be cover in amber too and suffocate to death!" Wu Xie said as he once again try to push the now the once again closed block and this time, all of them joined forces with him to try free Zhang Qiling from his deadly prison.

They pushed the block with all their might, but at the end, it proved to be a fools errand, as the thing didn't move even a single inch. It was then, when there was no way to get Xiaoge back from their side that Wu Xie was hit hard by a sense of deep loss. The last time he had felt something similar had been in Tamutuo, after Xiaoge lose his memories and was very sick. That despair had been bad enough, but no matter how badly it looked, at least Xiaoge was still alive and in reach.

Now, Xiaoge was in a place none of them could enter, designed only for the Zhang members and for the dead to add at that, so how was he supposed to save him? How was he supposed to have him back if they lacked the ability to pull him out? Wu Xie felt as his stomach wanted to spill up the little food he had eat in the last few hours, his chest was heavy with an intense pressure building up inside it that was forcing tears on his eyes.

Wu Xie let himself fall to his knees in the cold ground and gasped for the air that he seems to be short of, while his body tremble like crazy. Pangzi was by his side in a heartbeat and hug him tight, but Wu Xie seems to be now numb, completely disconnected of the world surrounding him that was nothing else but muffle to his senses and enter a world of void. He was aware that Pangzi was talking to him and so was Xiu Xiu, but their words didn't really reached his blank mind and he could do nothing but to stare at empty space.

He remained like that for who knows how long, until Wu Xie's dormant senses pick up the sound of the mechanism of the room, activating again, bringing back Xiaoge inside a huge amber cocoon. Then Wu Xie sprinted back to life, escaping Pangzi's hold on him and reached for the thing that was trapping his lover.

The others help him with the heavy cocoon to put it on the ground and Wu Xie took out his knife to try take him out of it. He strike the amber like a manic, one time after another without stopping. Determination only driving him to push himself to his limit, just like the last time he had pull the same stunt to get them out of that Zhang's cave. As long as he could free Xiaoge from his amber coffin, it didn't matter if his hand suffer the strain of the blows or if it even started bleeding.

Fully concentrate in his task, he failed to hear the others as he worked, he failed to hear Pangzi told him something and only reacted when Pangzi push him to the side, so he could strike at the side of the cocoon instead of the top and it worked.

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