Zhang Qiling's Past

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Wu Xie

It was a while before their longing for kisses ended and in the end, Wu Xie was out of breath, so he gasped as he rested his head on Xiaoge's while keeping his arms around Xiaoge's neck. Their touch still remained, wanted and heavenly, but they had a respite from her heated passions.

"Xiaoge... I love you and I will do anything to help you find your lost memories. So, let's start again..." Wu Xie whisper.

"Not start, continue..." Xioage said back and Wu Xie laughed, finally having something to rejoice in his life, then give him a gentle kiss.

"Alright, we will continue..." Wu Xie agree and Xiaoge cupped his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry for make you suffer." Xiaoge whisper.

"It was not your intention, so there is no need to apologize. We will get back what you lost and see if we can prevent it for happening again. I have the name of someone that can helps us find information about your past, but I will need to make an investigation before get in contact with him. So just give me a few days and we will be on our way to the places it lead us." Wu Xie said and Xiaoge assented.

"Okay then... about your housings, you will stay here of course, until we travel again. Did Pangzi buy you new clothes before coming here? If not, we can go shopping and find something than can fit you." Wu Xie offer and Xiaoge actually smiled softly.

"He did buy me clothes... there are in my bag." Xiaoge told him as he pointed at the black bag that was left on the lobby.

"Oh... then let's settle you here now before Pangzi and Wang Meng comes back. Despite what this place looks like, there are a lot of rooms. Pangzi had stayed here before, so he has a room of his own next to mine... but I have one more room at the end of the corridor of the house that leads to the back garden or... well... you see... if you prefer... we can..." Wu Xie blushed like hell as he try to spill the words out.

"Share my room..." He finally let it out and Xiaoge assented immediately, making Wu Xie's blush even redder. He didn't even give it a thought...

"Share." Xiaoge confirmed, not feeling in the least embarrassed and Wu Xie smiled, because that just proved that Xioage's feelings were indeed the same before he lost his memories. They could built more memories as they live together, as long as the feelings were intact, they could keep up from where they had left it.

"Then, it's decided... follow me..." Wu Xie said as he guided Xioage into the corridor that leaded to the house. Xioage took his bag, as he walked pass by it and follow Wu Xie's guidance to his room. After a short walk, Wu Xie stopped in front of a door and smiled at him before open it and then... he close it again, as he once again blushed.

"Wu Xie?" Xiaoge asked, tilting his head to one side in cute confusion, which make Wu Xie blush even harder.

"I was wake up in a rush... it's a bit messy right now, just give me the bag and I will take care of this later..." Wu Xie explained and Xioage actually smirked.

"It's not a problem. We sleep in messed places before." Xioage insisted and Wu Xie sighed. They had sleep in the woods infested by snakes and the desert, so yeah... they have seen worse than just a few pieces of clothes left behind here and there. However, still embarrassed, Wu Xie open the door to his room once more, but at that time, he hear Pangzi's voice calling for him, so Wu Xie simply grabbed Xiaoge's bag and put it in, then close his room again.

"Let's meet with Pangzi first... he had been out for a long time now..." Wu Xie evaded and walk back to the shop with hurried steps. Behind him Xioage smiled, feeling that the shy Wu Xie was actually... cute and he like it very much.

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