The Huo's Old Shop Trap

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Wu Xie

The next day they got a visit from Xiu Xiu, which apologize to them for been unable to do something back then, as her hands were tied, as she was Fairy Huo's granddaughter and have not real power under her belt to stop her grandmother's action, even if she wanted to. Wu Xie dismissed the apology, saying that it was a matter between Fairy Huo and his family, one she didn't need to involve herself and put at risk her own possible coming as the next head of her family.

However, Xiu Xiu really felt bad for not doing something when there was the need, so she offer to hide them in a secure place after Xiao Hua pointed out that they were not safe in his house, just in case someone from the restaurant decided to show up there and give Xiao Hua some troubles for hosting them after the mess left behind in the restaurant and after some consideration, Wu Xie agree.

They were going to stay in one of the old properties of the Huo family, which wasn't regularly visit and was the perfect place to hide for a while without any suspicions. Wu Xie had to admit that it was the last place someone will be looking them for, as it was now widely known that the Huo and the Wu's had a feud with one another and it wasn't likely that they will help each other anytime soon.

Xiu Xiu claimed that the place was an old shop, but as soon as they enter, Wu Xie could tell it was a fancy shop screaming luxury at the very entrance. The Wu family was rich, his grandfather had make a lot of money on his youth to ensure their status among the Mystic Nine, even if he parted ways with them, his own father had his own fortune, not to mention both of his uncles, but he was mostly penniless, as he was brought up differently from the rest of his family.

He had actually like it that way, not having to involve himself with the way the Nine Gates operate, only dedicating himself to study, the shop he inherit and exploring tombs with his uncle. It was a simple life that give him the freedom that most of his family didn't enjoy on their time, so he wasn't surrounded by such luxury. It was impressive to say the least, but then again, it was to be expected from the rich and powerful Fairy Huo.

"Ah, yeah... such an exquisite shop, so full of precious items on display right at the entrance." Pangzi said as he looked around quite impressed.

"Even if it had some expensive items, this shop is not visit by people anymore. We have other shops that had replace this one with more things to offer, so it's safe to stay here for the time been." Xiu Xiu told them.

"That's all well and good... but you see, we got here in a kind of hurry, so we didn't have anything to eat since yesterday. Is there something to eat here?" Pangzi asked, which make Wu Xie roll his eyes and Xiaoge smirk.

"I was in a rush too, so I haven't prepare anything yet..." Xiu Xiu said as she looked what she have on her pocket and offer Pangzi a lollypop, which was everything she have with her at that moment.

"Have this first... I will prepare food and daily necessities now." Xiu Xiu said, which obviously was not Pangzi was expecting.

"Si Pangzi, don't start complaining right from the start. Take it and wait for the food when it's ready. That is better than nothing." Wu Xie told him and Pangzi sighed in resignation.

"Whatever..." He said as he took the lollipop on her hand.

"I will try to bring all you need as soon as possible... but remember, don't go out while I'm gone." Xiu Xiu remained them.

"Of course... just make it really quick..." Pangzi pressed.

"Don't mind him Xiu Xiu, we are glad for the help you offer us." Wu Xie said, as a way to apologize for Pangzi's sudden demands.

Ultimate Note: You Are WorthyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ