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Wu Xie

They walked ahead on their own following the blood trail that became faint as they keep going to pretty much disappear at one point, yet Qiling seems to know where they should head to. However, at some point, the forest became more and more cover with spider webs of all imaginable sizes.

"Xiaoge, are you sure this is the right way?" Pangzi asked and Qiling assented.

"This looks more like a trap than anything else. Perhaps Panma is trying to lure us into a silken web cave. It doesn't make sense he will disappear so suddenly after been seek out by strangers more than once. The locals will not dare to cross into the Buffalo Trench and he knows it, yet he happens to get in there while seriously injured. That should be suicidal on its own right under normal circumstances." Wu Xie said as he looked around, seen only cobwebs everywhere.

"Yeah, he definitely had something hidden in his sleeve. This old man is too tricky... do you think he may be in league with the slope-shoulder man?" Pangzi asked.

"Maybe... we must be careful in here, that's for sure." Wu Xie said.

"We are the Iron Triangle, no silken web cave will keep us from finding this place secrets." Pangzi said with confidence and Wu Xie sighed.

"Pangzi, really, we are not made of iron, so be careful and don't touch the cobwebs." Wu Xie warned him.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm not a danger magnet like you, so there is no need to... huh?" Pangzi hushed as he ducked under one huge web, yet his hand was caught on it anyways and when he try to pull it out, it was like it was made out of a very strong glue.

"You were saying..." Wu Xie teased as he saw him struggle with the cobweb.

"This is definitely made with super glue. Damn it! I shouldn't have hug you during the night. You have transfer me your back luck..." Pangzi whined as he pulled his hand out with all his strength, finally able to have it free, but with less skin.

"Serves you right..." Wu Xie fumed.

"Xiaoge, Tianzhen is been mean with me..." Pangzi complained but Qiling give the cobwebs a better look and ignore Pangzi completely.

"This is dangerous." He whisper.

"No kidding, if you get stick, they will come for you while you try your way out. It seems Uncle Gui was right. There are really man-eating monsters in this forest and we had been set to fall in their traps." Pangzi said.

"Just don't get caught and we should be alright. We had deal with this kind of insects before." Wu Xie said and they walked a bit further ahead, until there was no more room to safely pass between the webs.

"Yeah... shibie, snakes, centipedes and now spiders. I wonder just how big they are..." Pangzi said as he looked up the trees.

"Don't jinx us this soon... is this a dead end?" Wu Xie asked as he looked around.

"It seems so... now I wonder how Panma pass through here. Any further and we will really get stick and end up eaten by spiders..."

"Tianzhen, didn't you said before not to jinx? There must be a trick to pass from here on, but we are outsiders, so, let's go back for now..." Pangzi suggested and they turned to go back on their tracks when a slight movement caught Qiling's attention and just in time to notice it was a big blue and yellow spider that was ready to jump on them at any second.

Qiling warned the other two with a yell and pushed Wu Xie out of the way when the spider jumped in his direction, saving him in the process, but the challenge was just beginning when dozen more spiders crawl down the adjacent trees to get them all at once.

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