Connecting The Puzzle

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Wu Xie

The next morning, Wu Xie woke up feeling a bit suffocated and overheated and when he opened his eyes, he realized that Xiaoge was holding him tightly, which is why the first thing he saw was the black cloth of his jacket. He was practically glued to his warm chest, which was more or less normal, since they began their romantic relationship. His head rested on Xiaoge's arm as they slept across from each other, as they did when they slept together, but there was something very different this time, which was causing both the overheating and suffocation.

The reason why he felt like he was short of breath, was not just because he was too close to Xiaoge, but also because there was something heavy on his back that was forcing him against Xiaoge's body more like it would on any other night. Furthermore, it was not only the pressure from his back but also the weight of another arm that rested on his waist, in addition to that of his lover, that was holding him a little higher on his back, protectively.

Wu Xie slowly turned his head, still half asleep to come face to face with what appeared to be a damn mummy, then screamed as he sat on the bed in a rush between the two bodies and pushed the mummy away from him out of sheer instinct. His scream and sudden movement awaken Xiaoge, who jumped out of bed, ready to kill anything that threatened Wu Xie and the mummy... which turned out to be Pangzi's covering with bandages all over his face, who rolled out of bed and fell from it with a thud to the floor.

"What the hell Tianzhen? Why did you push me like that? You scare the hell out of me!" Pangzi protested, as he rubbed his hurting back and Wu Xie was tempted to strangled him, just for the scare Pangzi had giving him first thing in the morning.

"Si Pangzi! Just look at yourself in a mirror! Why are you cover in bandages?! Didn't you said it was just one bee?" Wu Xie asked and he hear a load Oh, coming from Pangzi, finally understanding Wu Xie's sudden panic and touched his head slightly while smiling.

"Come on Tianzhen, this was done by Yun Cai... how can I complain about the way she bandage it?" Pangzi whined and Wu Xie sighed, throwing himself backwards over the bed, trying to control his racing heart back to normalcy.

Xiaoge smirked slightly, because this is how the Iron Triangle wakes up in the morning when they all share the same bed. Basically, they walled up Wu Xie at night and scared him to death when morning came and he found either Pangzi hugging him like a koala with his favorite tree or covered in bandages with a mummy appearance.

After such a start, they pretty much wake up the entire house early in the morning, which end up with Yun Cai promising to do a better job when treating Pangzi's bee stung. Soon after a brief breakfast they went out and Yun Cai insisted in applying a local remedy into Pangzi's forehead, where the bee had got him and both Wu Xie and Xiaoge enjoyed seen him been torture by the woman he liked while he try his best to hold on a scream.

This time, Yun Cai use a bigger band aid instead of bandaging his whole face, which was way better than before and when she left to do her daily shores, Wu Xie laughed to his heart content. It had been quite hilarious to see Pangzi hold on his pain as she apply the ointment.

"Idiot, just yell when you are in pain..." Wu Xie teased and Pangzi cry in silence and muffle a scream that only make him laugh more.

After the amusement they get to work to try melt the piece of metal, but even with the acid, the thing remained unscratched, no matter what method they used. Nothing could penetrate the hard shell.

"So we had no leads again..." Pangzi said dejectedly as he looked at the piece of metal.

"That's not true... Xiaoge draw a picture of the beast on the slope-shoulder man. It may not be the same as the Qilin Xiaoge had, but it may have been done with the same technique or same person." Wu Xie said.

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