Chapter 14: Connor's POV

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Luke: Hello?

Connor: Luke? It's Connor.

Luke: My mom gave you my phone number?

Connor: Yeah, don't save this number though. I'm using Roman's phone.

Luke: Why?

Connor: It's a long story. Listen when are you and your mom leaving?

Luke: 2 days. Why?

Connor: Do you wanna meet up? Go grab some Starbucks or something?

Luke: Sure. Only problem, I don't know my way around.

Connor: That's ok what hotel are you staying in?

Luke: The one next to KFC.

Connor: Great. I'll come meet you outside. 10 minutes?

Luke: Sure. Hey we can borrow mom's car.

Connor: Do you know how to drive?

Luke: Yeah, I'm saving up to get a car. You can drive us back if you want.

Connor: Yeah....sounds great. See you soon.

End of call.

"Thanks" I say, handing Roman his phone back. 

"I can't believe you've landed a date" he teases.

"It's not a date. We're only friends."

"For now. He might be interested. You should tell him how you feel."

"I've only known him for a day." 

"Yeah, but in 2 days he's going back to Rhode Island and you won't be able to talk to him for at least a week."

"Why not?" I ask.

"'Cause that was the last of my credit. And I haven't got any money to get more. So until next week, you can't call him again. Which means this is your only chance."

 "Fine, I'll try. But what if he doesn't feel the same way?"

"Well then, at least you tried. And he lives 2 states away so you won't see him around. It won't be awkward."

"And how do we do this if he is interested?"

"That's between you and him. If he likes you back then you can do long distance. 'Til we turn 18. Then you move in together and live happily ever after."

I throw a pillow at him. 

"That's how it works in fairytales Ro. Life isn't always like that."

"Yeah, but who knows. You might be lucky."


I sneak out the window again and start to make my way towards KFC. It feels weird. I never thought I was actually gay. I've never seen girls as attractive but I always thought I just hadn't found the right one. different. Like Roman said, he's a nerd but he's kinda cute. 

"Hey" Luke says as I approach.

"Hey. You ok?"

"Yeah. Mom wants me back at 6."

"Huh, curfew. Your mom's not like Chris then. He doesn't give a shit what time we get home."

I pause before I realise what I've said. "Sorry," I add "your mom doesn't like swearing does she."

"I'm not my mom, Connor," Luke says "besides I like it when you swear. Keeps up your bad boy attitude."

I laugh. Luke soon joins in. "You're a nerd though" I say.

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