Chapter 1: Roman's POV

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He had now been missing for 3 weeks. Me nor our foster dad have seen him or even heard from him.

Of course I don't blame him for leaving. He never got on with our foster dad. He always said that as soon as we turned 18 we'd leave. Now we're not even 18 and he's run off and left me alone to deal with all the shit our foster dad throws at us.

I suppose I should explain. By 'him' I mean my twin brother Connor. He's cocky, arrogant and he's been driving our foster dad insane for nearly 3 years. He was always the 'bad boy' at school. Teachers hated him and thought I was exactly the same. I'm not though, I swear.

Then there's me. Hi....I'm Roman. Connor and I are identical twins. The same brown hair, the same brown eyes and the same figure. The only differences are our names and our personalities. I'm quiet, anxious and I want to go on to be a lawyer.

Connor on the other hand has been a show off since we were born, he excels in pissing off everyone he meets and he got expelled from school during our senior year for threatening one of his teachers. Yeah we're pretty different.

On this particular morning nothing much has changed. I come out of my room and head into the kitchen where Chris is standing drinking coffee. I don't know how he can drink coffee on an empty stomach. Hell, I don't know how he drinks coffee at all. The kitchen is pretty bare. There's literally the sink, the cupboards which are basically hanging off the walls, the refrigerator and a small wooden table which Chris is currently leaning on. There's no chairs, which in my opinion makes the table rather useless. The whole kitchen is covered with dirty dishes. 

"Morning" I say, trying to break the awkward silence.

Chris grunts instead of replying. He does that pretty frequently actually. Chris is what Connor and I call our foster dad, by his own request he never let us call him dad or anything similar.

"How did you sleep?" I ask, once again trying to make small talk. Again there's no response from Chris.

"Have you heard from him yet?" Chris asks, changing the subject.

"No," I reply, knowing that by 'him' he means Connor "I haven't heard a thing."

He huffs "don't know why I'm asking you anyway, you'll probably lie to me even if he does?"

I think this over for a second. Would I tell Chris if Connor did message or call me? No...most likely not. That'd result in Chris shouting at me and get me into yet another fight with him.

Chris hasn't been as bad as he used to be but he still shouts at us, well me, and insults us. This is exactly what he starts to do now. 

"Why do I even keep you around here anyway, god I can't wait until you're 18."

"We should phone the police, like I've been saying since the beginning. Or I could give Connor a call?" I reply.

"NO WAY!" Chris shouts "YOU EVEN TRY DOING EITHER OF THOSE THINGS AND I'LL KILL YOU." He takes a breath before he continues at a somewhat normal volume "if we ring the police they'll blame me for letting him run off and I won't be allowed to foster again. I'll be sent off to prison for neglect and I'll make sure that as soon as I get out you and him will wish you'd never been born. And if you call Connor he'll think I give a shit about where he is and he'll come back. And I don't think I could deal with that right now without getting angry. You say nothing and pretend that everything's ok. Are we clear?"

"Crystal" I reply.  

I'd really love nothing more than to see Chris go to prison, even if it's just to stop him doing this to other kids like us. But I know Chris well enough to know that he holds a grudge. If we told on him for what he'd done and he went to prison for 7 years, he'd remember it 7 years later and come and get his revenge. In other words, I've got no choice but to agree to this act and simply pretend that nothing's wrong. I've covered for Connor ever since, I've told his friends he's sick and that they can't see him. I've even had to lie to our social worker. 

"I'm heading out to work" Chris says. By 'work' he means KFC. He's actually managed to keep a job there for longer than a few weeks, but then I don't think its possible to get fired from KFC.

When Chris leaves I realise he's once again left the kitchen in a mess. He'll shout at me when he gets back if I don't clean it so I grab a pair of gloves and get started on the dishes.

I put on some music on my headphones as I mop the floor as well but I've forgotten to charge my headphones again and they're dead in a few minutes.

I decide to go and turn on the TV for some background noise instead. I turn on the news channel. That's when I see it. The headline on the bottom of the screen reads:


The headline itself doesn't scare me. It's when the newsreader says the name of the victim. "And for anyone who's just joined us, John's out in Pennsylvania where police have just found the body of 16 year old Kailin Jenkins, John what do the police know so far?"

The screen changes to John who looks like he's about to be blown away by the strong wind. "Thanks Anderson, yes the police have confirmed that the body is that of Kailin Jenkins, she was reported missing on Monday. She was murdered according to the officers who are currently on the scene by a shot to the head. Police have also confirmed that they have found evidence present at the scene which gives them a prime suspect. They couldn't tell us who or what the evidence is regarding that suspicion but I'm sure we'll be updated on the situation." 

He hands back to Anderson in the studio but I'm interrupted by a knock at the door. Normally our foster dad, Chris answers the door but I guess it's going to have to be me for once.

A police officer is standing there when I open the door. "Good afternoon," the officer says "would I be at the residence of Mr Chris Rakowski?" 

"Yes, he's my foster dad" I reply.

"Excellent, then I'm in the right place. I am looking for Connor Prince."

"What for?" I ask, wondering what he's done now.

"He is the prime suspect in the murder of Kailin Jenkins."

No. No no no no no. He wouldn't have. The police are wrong. They must be wrong. Connor would never have killed her. I loved her. He knew that. I don't believe he'd kill her. My hands start shaking, I don't know what to do. My head starts spinning and I'm scared I'll faint. What can I do to fix this?  

"Is he here?" The officer asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, you're looking at him" I reply. 

"Oh," the officer says "I see." He pauses and steps towards me, pulling a pair of handcuffs off the side of his belt. 

He snaps the handcuffs over my wrists, they start cutting into me at once. He begins to speak again "Connor Prince you are arrested on suspicion of murdering Kailin Jenkins. You do not have to say anything. Anything you do say may be used as evidence in court, do you understand?"

"Yes" I reply, and he leads me towards the car that's waiting in the driveway.

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