Chapter 4: Connor's POV

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I. Am. So. BORED. I fucking hate road trips. What is the point in sitting around in a car for hours just to get out for five minutes only to get back on the road again. You spend longer travelling than you do fucking doing stuff.

Of course this isn't a road trip, but it's starting to feel like one. 

"So," the woman says "do you have a name?"

"Yeah of course I do," I snap "everyone has a fucking name I'm just not telling you it." 

"Please don't swear," the woman says "what if I tell you my name first?"

I shrug as I don't really give a shit. She tells me anyway "my name's Genevieve but you can call me Gen. Now will you tell me your name?"


"Well can you at least make up a name so I can call you something?"

"Fine," I reply "you can call me Roman."

"That's a nice name, is it your brother's?"


"Oh," Gen replies "well let's talk about ourselves for a bit shall we? Ok, so my name's Gen I'm 42. I have a wife who I've been married to for the past 10 years and we adopted Luke when he was 7. Ok your turn."

"Do I have to?"

"Only tell us what you're comfortable with."

"No thanks."

"How about we take it in turns to ask each other questions? I'll start. So what's your favourite class in school?"

"I don't go to school anymore," I reply "I got expelled."

"Oh," Gen says. She sounds horrified "how did that happen?"

I figure it can't hurt to tell her that so I tell her the story. Of course I remembered to use Roman's name instead of my own.

It was the end of September and I was around the back of the science block smoking a cigarette. I was hanging around there with a couple of my friends and we were just messing around when we saw a shadow coming around the corner. 

I hissed at my friends to hide and they did. Just as my science teacher Mr Hawkins came around the corner and saw me. I had stupidly forgotten to hide the cigarette. 

He sighed "Connor, come with me."

I didn't say anything and I followed him into the school. He led me up towards the principal's office. 

I've been there more times than I can remember but I'd never been taken there by Hawkins. He hated me and that was mostly the reason for these events in the first place.

Hawkins took the cigarette and threw it in the trash can outside the principal's office. Then he knocked on the door.

Our Principal, Mr Skinner is quite chilled out most of the time. He knows me well enough an usually when I'm sent here I only get given a detention or two. Not this time though.

"Connor," Mr Skinner says "back again? What've you done this time?"

Hawkins replies "I caught him smoking a joint behind the science block."

"WHAT?" I shout. He's lying. It was only a cigarette. I'm not stupid enough to smoke a joint in school. "It was only a regular cigarette."

For a second I think Skinner's about to believe me but Hawkins adds "he disposed of it and tried to make out he was doing nothing wrong."

"Oh fuck off," I snap at Hawkins before turning to Mr Skinner "I didn't deny anything and it wasn't drugs."

"Please do not use that language to my staff Connor" Skinner replies.

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