Chapter 6: Connor's POV

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Gen and Luke don't say anything for a few seconds. Gen moves her hand slowly towards her bag, which is on the backseat next to Luke. 

As she pulls out her phone I immediately hold up the gun. She freezes and looks at me "Roman, you need to go back to your dad. He seems like he's genuinely worried about you."


"Roman please, you need to go back to him. He sounds like he wants you to go home safely."

"If I do he'll kill me. Trust me, he's not as nice as you think. He hates me and my brother."

"Why?" Luke asks.

"I don't know. He calls us brats all the time. He can't even remember our fucking names."

"How long have you and your brother been living with him?" Gen asks.

"About 3 years" I reply.

"And he still can't remember your names? Wow." Luke says.

"He knows our names he just never calls us by the right one." 

"Why don't you want to go back to him? There must be more that you're not telling us." Gen says. 

"Fine, he's....neglectful."

"In what way?" Gen asks.

I explain with another story. Again I use Roman's name instead of my own. This means I call Roman, Connor instead.

2 years ago. 

Roman started walking towards me across the cafeteria. I saw that he had a girl with him. He was not the type to hang around with girls. Normally we sat and eat lunch together. Like the outcasts we were. 

"Hey," Roman said "this is Kailin. Ok if she sits with us?"

"Yeah sure" I replied as I didn't really give a shit.

"Hey Connor it's nice to meet you" Kailin said.

We sat in silence for a while. I always hated talking to people I didn't know. 

Roman finally broke the silence "hey so uh.... do you think Chris would be ok if Kailin came over later?"

"Probably not,"  I replied "why?" I grabbed my juice carton and started pretty much chugging the whole thing.

"Well, I wanted him to meet Kailin 'cause....she's my girlfriend."

I nearly choked on my juice. 

"What?" I asked.

"Roman and I have been dating for about a month" Kailin explained.

How the fuck did I not know this? We're twins and he kept this a secret from me for a month? 

I didn't say anything but Roman must have taken my lack of a response as a good sign as he returned home 15 minutes after me, with Kailin.

He opened the door and Chris called from the living room "you're home late Connor."

"It's Roman, Chris I'm doing the dishes you left in the sink. Remember?" I shouted. 

I turned off the faucet and walked into the living room. I wanted to be there if something happened. 

Chris turned around from where he was sitting on the couch and looked at Kailin. 

"Chris, this is Kailin. She's my girlfriend." Roman explained.

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