Chapter 2: Connor's POV

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I stand at the side of the highway, waiting for a car to pull into the gas station. It seems like I've been waiting in this bush for weeks, in reality it's only been about half an hour, but then I was never the patient sibling.

Finally someone pulls over. I look through the window and see that it's a woman. She looks about 40 , she's got a boy in the back of the car. I don't really want to scare them with what I'm about to do but I'm not waiting in this bush any longer.

I creep over to the gas station and watch as she fills up her car. It's a Honda Civic in blue. Guaranteed it's her husbands, girls never choose blue cars. The boy is in the backseat staring at his phone.

She heads into the store to pay for her gas, I wait patiently for her to come back.

When she does I wait until she's pulled out of the view of the CCTV camera. Wouldn't want my face to get caught on that thing. I step infront of the car and hold up my gun, I'm not insane though I swear. 

She stops and I run for the passenger door. I open it and get in. When I'm in I hold the gun up to her head. She has the exact reaction I was hoping for. She's terrified.

"Start driving" I say.

"Can you at least put your seatbelt on first?" She asks. I do it, keeping the gun held up at the same time.

When it's in and we hear the click she starts driving. This is the first time I look at her. She's blonde with big green eyes. The boy in the back wasn't blonde so I guess her husband's a brunette. 

"What the fuck is happening" the boy asks. 

"Are we heading anywhere in particular?" She asks, ignoring the boy's question.

"I don't care where we go as long as it's not Pennsylvania" I snap.

"I live in Providence" she explains.

"Rhode Island's a long way out."

"Yeah, I was visiting my parents, they live in Pennsylvania. The trip was a bit of a waste."

"Why?" I ask. Not that I care.

"They don't want to accept this guy," she nods towards the boy in the backseat, he's back on his phone. "My parents are homophobic."

"You're gay?" I ask.

"Bisexual actually, but I have a wife and this is our son Luke."

"That's pretty cool." I reply, remembering I used to know someone else who was bisexual.

"So why are you trying to get away, fight with your parents or something?"

"I don't have parents." 

"Oh, I'm sorry," she says "foster parents then?"

"My foster dad says I'm a waste of space."

"I'm sure that's not true."

If she knew the truth she would not think that. She'd be screaming at the top of her lungs. The boy would probably try and grab the gun from me and they'd be trying a lot harder to call the police. 

"It is true," I reply "we've never got on."

"Do you have any other family members?"

"Yeah, a brother."

"How old is he?"

"Same as me, 17."

"Same age as Luke. Why isn't he with you now?"

That's a great question. Maybe it has something to do with the fight. The one Roman doesn't know about. Or maybe it's the fact that I wanted to take out my anger at our dad on someone. Kailin unfortunately was the person I chose. 

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