I was honestly too tired to change so I just nodded and grabbed a jacket, slipping it over my arms. I walked over to the door, looking back at Heeseung who began to follow.

I swung my door open and let Heeseung go first since I didnt know the password to their dorm. We were in within seconds. Jay, Jake, and Jungwon were in the kitchen.

Everyone else I suppose were in the living room. Jay smiled brightly seeing we finally arrived. "What took you two so long?" Jake was first to speak, a mischievous smirk on his face.

I knew what he was thinking. I shivered in embarrassment. "Yah it wasnt like that. We were both asleep." Heeseung quickly defended the both of us. Jake only hummed and began to walk away to the living room.

"Anyway, either of you want some grape juice or sparkling cider?" Jay asked, the said drinks already sitting on the counter. Me and Heeseung, in sync, walked up to the counter.

I pointed to the grape juice and Heeseung pointed at the sparkling cider. I heard Jungwon let out a small chuckle. Jay also giggled and poured us our drinks while Sunoo and Sunghoon began to approach.

"Finally. After the year changes we should stay up all night playing games, what do you say?" Sunghoon asked, approaching Heeseung and holding eye contact with him.

He didnt even spare me a glance but what could I expect? Sunoo came walking up to me and slightly pulled me aside while Sunghoon took my spot, driving a wedge between me and Heeseung.

I grew uncomfortable real quick. I was about to slide my drink forward but Sunghoon accidentally hit it with his elbow, making it spill all over the counter and some on me.

Sunghoon got shocked and backed away quickly while Sunoo yelped and also backed away. Jungwon was asking 'what' over and over while Jay was frozen.

I stood still for a minute, just blankly staring at the liquid spreading on the counter and onto the floor. "Sunghoon watch where you swing your elbows!" Sunoo exclaimed, quickly grabbing napkins.

Jay helped in grabbing napkins as they both began to clean it up. I tried to help but they wouldnt let me. "It's not my fault!" Sunghoon whined, kind of pouting. "It was nobody's fault." Jungwon was quick to correct us.

Heeseung pulled me away from the counter and looked down at my now stained shirt. "I'm going to give her a shirt real fast." Heeseung said, then basically dragging me to their room.

I attempted to pull away but it obviously was no use. My dorm is across the hall so I dont get why he'd wasted a shirt like that. To get to their room we had to somewhat enter the living room so everyone else that was in there were just staring.

Heeseung closed the door behind us and let go of my arm, then began to rummage through their closet. Their room was quite messy but honestly it's not the worst I've seen.

He pulled out a black shirt with some cool graphic on it and handed it to me. "Change quickly." He ordered and turned his back to me. With that I changed into the new shirt and just held the other. I tapped Heeseung so he could turn back around.

A grin lit upon his face when he turned around. He took my original shirt out my hands and set it on the floor just behind the door. "You can grab it later." He instructed before moving past me and opening the door.

I followed out awkwardly, quickly moving to the kitchen. Jungwon, Jay, Sunghoon and Sunoo were still there. The mess had been cleaned as if it never happened. Well they are quick.

I went and sat down at the table across from Jungwon. They all started a conversation meanwhile Sunoo went back to the living room. I got on my phone and just awkwardly scrolled through it.

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