Naomi grinned, imagining the two of them walking hand-in-hand on the beach with the warm equatorial sun on their skin. "I'm so in for that last one. It's weird to hear you planning a vacation or picturing you driving a car."

"If everything goes according to plan, it's only ten years off, and that's why I'm sacrificing now to live it up later."

"Whatever works for you."

"I love how down-to-earth you are."

Naomi shrugged and sat on the burnt orange sofa. "It's your life. Live it how you want."

He sat beside her, leaving some space, and sipped his drink. His eyes, more green than gray in this lighting, flickered to her, and he smiled. Nomi's stomach fluttered a little. Did she have something on her face since he was staring, or was he actually interested?

"However, it goes, I hope you're always a part of it." His voice wavered as he inhaled.

She had to remind herself he could mean as a friend when she envisioned being swallowed in his embrace and peppered in kisses.

"I screwed up at the club, Nomi. I should have said that instead of ditching you. This whole break-up has messed with my head and left me insecure." His tone, the same one he'd used to confide in her countless times after business mess-ups, break-ups, or fights with people he cared about showed he was sincere. But his actions had still stung.

"Hopefully, your new friend helped with that." Naomi tried not to sound malicious or jealous but wasn't sure she succeeded. She added a smile that felt fake.

"She wasn't a friend, she was..." He scratched his neck. "It's embarrassing, and I regret kissing her. Especially since it put more distance between us."

His enthusiasm that night hadn't seemed regretful. "You created that distance."

"It was an asshole move, and I'm surprised you're talking to me today. You're an amazing friend, and I need to appreciate that more without getting caught up in my insecurities and what I wish was happening."

Naomi raised an eyebrow. The word 'friend' didn't reassure her, but the last part did. Was he saying what she'd hoped? "What do you wish was happening?"

Greg looked at her and rubbed his sock-clad feet together like he did when he was nervous. "You'll laugh at me. Every time I've tried this with you, it fails, but... I need to get this off my chest once and for all."

She smiled at him. "I'm listening." 

He ran a hand through his hair and exhaled with pursed lips. "Ever since we met, I've had a thing for you. It's ridiculous because I'm not your type, and you were clear about it when I was a freshman naïve enough to hint at it and think you would be into me, but those feelings never faded, no matter how much I try to forget them."

What? Greg still liked her? Even when he'd dated gorgeous fancy restaurant chefs like Tara or made out with hot strangers at the bar? But why had he run at the club? 

"You like me romantically?"

He was still staring at his feet. "I do."

Did he mean it if he couldn't meet her eyes? "Really?"

"Please, Nomi, I can't take you mocking me right now."

Greg liked her. He had always liked her! The man who'd supported her at softball since junior high, who'd gotten her through losing her first pet, who'd held her and complimented her until her heart ached less after break-ups, and who'd believed in her and helped her buy this house.  

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