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dates weren't Gavi's specialty, the boy hadn't never been on one though only knew what he saw in movies, ironically enough nor were they Lorelai's

Lorelai had never been asked out on a proper date, or been with someone, or been loved by someone, because of that she had that idea in her head that she was pretty enough to have a 'thing' with but not to love, never to love or to date , until now

though despite his lack of knowledge on dates, gavi was confident it would be one of the best dates to ever happen, and it might even be thanks to his little to no knowledge about them

whilst Lorelai on the other hand didn't relay on just herself and went to mikky for help, the girl was more than happy to help her

mikky helped Lorelai pick a suitable outfit for any types of dates, not too casual if it was a restaurant, and not too classy if it was something casual, it was perfect

when gavi came by to take Lorelai mikky and Frankie gave him the 'mom and dad' type of talk and threatened if he was to hurt her making her smile as her heart melted

she hugged Frankie and kissed mikky on the cheek goodbye before letting gavi take her hand and lead her outside to the car

"where are we going?"she asked him as the chauffeur started the car

"it's a surprise" he told her trying to fight back the smile forming on his face

"oh come on, tell me" she nagged making him laugh and shake his head as a 'no'

the two kept talking the whole way to the unbeknownst place, Lorelai trying to get him to say where this mystery place was

as soon as they arrived and got out, Lorelai didn't even have the time to see where they were when gavi covered her eyes

the girl groaned wanting to know where they were, whilst she was a big fan of surprises she also was immensely impatient and needed to know where they were

gavi only told her to be patient before he led her, to what she assumed was, closer to the location of their date

as soon as he told her they had arrived, the girl, almost immediately, took his hands off of her eyes only to be flabbergasted by the sigh

gavi had planned a dinner by the beach, there were two chairs, one for her and one for him, and a table decorated with flowers and candles,

everything was just so perfect, the sunset, the time, the place, all of it was perfect, just like him

that was the moment Lorelai realised she didn't deserve him

"hey, I know what your thinking, don't, I love you" he whispered into her ear making her smile as he led her to the table

the two of them sat, everything was already done and on the table, he had poured her a glass of champagne and cooked her pasta

"you made these?"she asked him with a raised eyebrow abit the shocked

"yeah, you seem surprised" he replied with a small chuckle

"yeah, I didn't expect you to be able to cook" she told him honestly

"oh, I actually love cooking, I used to cook with my mama all the time, she taught everything she knew, it's really fun" he told her making her smile

"you call her mama" she acknowledged with a sweet smile making him blush

"I meant mu-"

"no no I didn't mean that, I think it's cute you call her mama" she cut him off making him blush harder
"I know I would"

"what was she like?" he asked her making her furrow her brows "Lorelai, your mum"

Lorelai smiled somewhat sadly" she was- she was extraordinary, that's what everyone says, I don't remember her so much, I was only barely when she passed away, but I do remember how she would always make sure that we were happy, she put our happiness before hers, she gave us all she could give"

"she seems like she was great" he told her

"she was"she replied " let's stop with all this weepy talk, we are on a date aren't we?"

"yeah, yeah we are" nodded gavi as they engaged into so many conversations, too many to count

they talked about anything and everything, all that one could think of, it was far from quite at the beach that day as you could hear their loud laughs echoing

soon enough the two were out of their places, running around on the beach, Lorelai trying to catch Gavi as he ran from her

suddenly Lorelai tripped and Gavi took the opportunity to pick her up, at first she laughed thinking he was just doing it for fun, then she started yelling at him to put her down as he headed towards the water

"Pablo Martín Paèz Gavira, put me down right now!" she yelled at him as he laughed and said "as you wish"

and with that the boy threw her in the water getting her all wet as she glared at him whilst he laughed at her

the girl pulled out an arm for him to help her up but he only looked at her as if to say 'you really think I'm that dumb'

Lorelai rolled her eyes then smirked before tripped with her legs as he walked making him fall in the water next to her

"look who's laughing now" she said laughing

"you're soaking too, just to remind you"  he told her but she just kept on laughing as she swam away

Gavi shook his head with a smile on his face and followed her until she passed the limits that they were allowed to swim to

"Lorelai! come back!" he called as she turned around to face him

"why?" she asked him

"we're not allowed to go that far" he told making her roll her eyes "it's the rules!"

"well, rules were made to be broken"

"nothing was made to be broken"

"buzz kill"

at that Lorelai came back to where he was and they swam back until Gavi's feet were able to reach the bottoms

that's when Gavi stopped swimming and when Lorelai realised she also stopped and went back to where he was now standing,

before she could speak, the boy took her hand and got her closer to him and pulled her into a kiss, not being able to reach the ground, Lorelai wrapped her legs around his torso and put her hand up to his face whilst the other played with his hair as she kissed him back just as passionately

when the two pulled away, out of breath, they kept looking in eachother's eyes until Gavi broke into a smile and finally spoke

"Lorelai Gilmore, will you be my girlfriend?"

Lorelai grinned widely, he had asked her to be his girlfriend, to be his, she was finally pretty enough to date and to love, and by Gavi


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