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there was nothing that fucked Lorelai more than harvard rejecting her

she was supposed to go to London, study at harvard and become successful, she was supposed to prove all the people from her small town that doubted her wrong, but she didn't, that's why she never wanted to go back to Spain

because she had proved them all right, that she couldn't get anywhere, that she couldn't be anything more, that she was just a fuck up

the girl though was now back in Spain, and whilst maybe not in her hometown, she was still in spain, why? because her family had decided to move back or actually because her stepmother wanted to

and since she really needed something to do before finding herself again she took up a job, as a pr

Lorelai ventured the streets of the new town, as walked not really aware of where she was going,only focusing on the music in her head , she bumped into someone making her drop her bag

" sorry, wasn't paying attention-"she said picking up her bag but one of the two strangers cut her off


"how do you know my name?"asked Lorelai confused and abit creeper out, she hadn't heard that name in so long

"Lorelai Lana Gilmore-Velverdé, lor, it's me, you don't remember me?" he asked looking quite hurt

"I'm sorry?but do I know you?"she asked feeling abit bad for him

the boy sighed"Pablo? Pablo Gavira?nothing"

and here came all the flashbacks


-𝑎 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒-

"why do you hate it so much here?"asked a young Pablo

"I just hate this town, I dream of getting out" replied a young Lorelai

"I don't understand why, but I hope your dreams come true" told her the seven  year old boy

"I hope so too" she said as she looked at the time and left


that day Lorelai had gotten the news that Theresa wanted to move away, to Hartford, so she applied almost immediately to Chilton and got accepted

the day that she moved, gavi had questioned his mother why but all that she told him was that the town was always too small for her

everyone would talk about how she would never succeed in Chilton, how she wouldn't get anywhere,how her dreams were just that, dreams

"Pablo,sorry you just look so different, didn't recognise you" she said pursing her lips

"yeah, well it has been like ten years" he replied returning the smile as his friend just looked confused

"hello, I'm Lorelai Gilmore-Velverdé, but just call me Lor" introduced herself the girl

"Pedri gonzalez" replied the boy with a smile

"so, lor, how have you been?"asked Pablo

"good,great actually, what about you?" she replied

"I've been great too" he told her with a smile" hey,um, I know curiosity killed the cat-"

"but satisfaction brought it back" she cut him off" I know what you're going to ask, I bet they're all very curious as well, I left to america, to Hartford precisely, because I had gotten accepted into Chilton and because dad and Theresa wanted to move"she explained to him

"oh, you got to go to Chilton?that's great!"he said knowing it was her dream


"I assume harvard is next" teased her Pablo making her scowl

"they rejected me" she replied nonchalantly

"oh, I'm so sorry, I know it was your dream" said Pablo feeling sorry for the girl

"yeah, it was, now I don't know what to do" she told him

"have you tried other colleges?"asked pedri trying to help

"I don't have the motivation anymore" she replied briefly

"never thought I would've ever heard these words come out of your mouth" mumbled Pablo

"me neither" told him the girl pursing her lips" but atleast I got a job until I find myself again"

"yeah, um, would you like to go somewhere, to catch up?" asked her gavi nervously

"yeah sure, here's my number" she told him writing her number on a piece of paper she pulled out of her bag

"thanks " he smiled taking it from her and she gave him a small smile in return

"no problem, by the way, do you happen to know where the nearest tobacco store is?" she asked him but he just looked at him weirdly

"oh, you- you smoke?"he asked flabbergasted, damn had she changed

"I do, just go straight then go left it should be on your right hand" told her pedri and she smiled at him

"thanks" she thanked him" well it was nice seeing you Pablo and nice meeting you pedri, but I have to go now, bye"

"bye" the two said

as soon as she was gone, pedri turned to gavi looking at him with a raised eyebrow as he sighed

"she wasn't like that" mumbled gavi making pedri purse his lips

"she'll be alright hermano, she just has to find herself again, and maybe you can help her with that"

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