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the long, horrendous and dreadful two days had finally come to an amazing end and slightly expected end

The gilmores had won the case and whilst Theresa and Robert weren't put in jail, not that it was what they had wanted, they were deprived of their rights to see Lorelai, Tristan, Lara and Cissa

The four siblings were also told to take all that they wanted from their house and Cissa was to be under Emily and Richard's care up until she reaches the age of 18

everything was going to be okay now, they were out of that horrid house, they weren't tied to Theresa and Robert and everything was working out in their favour

the only problem was xavi, he was still giving the girl a hard time, not that she hadn't been doing the same, but as she would say 'he started it'

nevermind that, Lorelai was currently in her office writing something, she didn't have much to do, actually she had nothing to do

when someone would enter her office for something she would pretend she was typing something out on her computer then stop when they would leave

just now, she heard the door open and started typing out random things on her computer

"stop pretending to work, it's just us"told her the person making her sink back into her chair then look up at them with a raised eyebrow

"hola chicos" she greeted them

"hola Lorelai"

"what do you want?"she asked them getting up

"why do you always assume we want something?"asked her pedri making her look at him in a way that said 'be for real'

"okay, we want to get out of training tomorrow" gave in frenkie making her smile at him

"you were always my favourite"she told him jokingly making the other two put their hand on their heart offended " do tell me why?"

"I have a date with my girlfriend"told her Frenkie" it's our anniversary"

"I promised my cousin I would go see her tomorrow" told her gavi" it's her birthday"

"I to visit my mum something happened with her" told her pedri looking down

"Frenkie I'll talk to Naomi ofcourse you can go, pedri I'll convince mishelle to let you go amd gavi, you can go too" replied to them Lorelai

"see I told you she'd agree!"exclaimed gavi making her chuckle

"I'm amazing aren't I?"joked the girl

"the best!" they exclaimed going to hug her or as she would say 'kill her'


it was about four in the afternoon and gavi had somehow managed to convince her to get him McDonald's

so she was now driving from the nearest McDonald's to pedri's house since he was there just so she could delever him some McDonald's

why?very good question, God knows why or how she had agreed but she was going for a drive anyways so it couldn't hurt to get him something on the way

as she drove she called naomi and mishelle so she could convince them to let the boys off the hook as she had promised them

"hola chicas"she said when they answered the call

"hola" they both said

"I'll make this quick since J have to be somewhere, I was hoping you could let Frenkie and pedri off the hook for training tomorrow" she said getting straight to the point

"why?"asked her mishelle

"well pedri has to visit his mum, something happened with her he told me it was personal, and as for Frenkie he has an anniversary with his girlfriend" explained Lorelai

After a few moments of silence Naomi agreed but mishelle still hadn't agreed, well she hadn't said anything yet

"please mishelle, it's his mum " tried the brunette

then she heard a sigh from mishelle "fine"

"thank you girls!bye-bye!"

and just then she reached pedri's, the door was already opened so she guessed they heard her coming and came in just for them to jump from behind the door to scare her

"hola chicos"she said not flinching making them groan and drag themselves to the living room

she laughed slightly and followed them then she handed gavi the McDonalds she had brought for him and sat next to them

"te quiero mucho mucho" he said looking at the bag of food

"are you talking to the food or to me?"  chuckled the girl

"the food" he replied opening the bag as she raised an eyebrow at him

"feels real nice to be appreciated ?" she said sarcastically looking at pedri

"oh yes, feels amazing, especially with gavi here" agreed the boy looking at gavi

"I can tell" replied Lorelai making gavi glare at them

"I'm here you know, and I can hear you"

The two smiled at him without saying anything making him roll his eyes amd go back to his food

then Lorelai perked up slightly before handing pedri a KFC bag making him look at her with a raised eyebrow

"you like KFC don't you?"she asked him making him nod " for you"

"that's nice, thank you" he told her with a smile" let me repay you one sec"

but just then she grabbed his hand as he was getting up and sat him back down on the couch next to her

"no need"

"yes need"



"I said no need" she told him making him sigh and shake his head


"no buts, eat before it gets too cold" she told him " by the way I got all of you out from tomorrow's training, I'll tell Frenkie too"

"yes! thanks lor!" they both said making her smile as she opened her phone to tell Frenkie, who replied almost immediately, also thanking her very much although it really was nothing

"what about you? you didn't get anything for yourself" noticed gavi making her look up at him

"I'm not hungry"

"but you have eaten right?"questioned her gavi making sure

"of course" she said lying through her pearly white teeth

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