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oh how much Lorelai loved parties, and oh how much it annoyed her stepmother when Lorelai did things she loved

"you're not going anywhere, there are dishes to do" Theresa told the girl as she entered her room

"I'm going like it or not" replied the girl applying her lipstick

she never used to stand up to herself against Theresa, but now she could honestly care less, because she didn't need her father's money anymore

her only weakness was her little sister, Cissa, she knew it would be hell for her if she left, but she had a plan

"what about Cissa? how are you going to protect her whilst you're away?"threatened her Theresa

"out!now!"yelled the girl but Theresa only took a step forward

"no, I am the mother, do not speak to me that way" replied Theresa angering the girl

"you are not my mother! you are a fucking monster! you treated us like fucking maids for ten years, and I will speak to you however I want, now get out because lord help me if you don't-"

"what will you do? call daddy?I have him wrapped around my little finger, you should know that by now,it's been that way for ten years, get used to it, if I say you have to do the dishes, you will stay home and do the dishes, Tristan isn't here to protect you girls anymore" she cut Lorelai off stepping forward

"get your stupid son to do the dishes" replied Lorelai glaring at her

"he's seven"

"last I checked that wasn't a problem when it came to me, you used to force Lara, Tristan and I to do the dishes, clean the house, make our own food, buy our own things, please remind me how old were we? Seven ten and thirteen! so I think you and your little prince are perfectly capable of cleaning his own plate for one nigh, now get out of my way" snapped Lorelai pushing her out of her way as she took her bag from off the bed, closed her phone and went to Cissa's room

Lor took a deep breath and smiled at the sight of her sister playing with the makeup she had bought her, when Cissa saw her she ran to hug her

"hola Cissa, are you ready to go to tristan's?" asked her Lorelai and the thirteen year old nodded and they took off, leaving from the back door

the whole way there Cissa kept asking her about the fight she had with Theresa but Lorelai would always tell her to drop it and after a while she did

the she asked where she was going and Lorelai just told her she going to parry with some friends from her new work

the two siblings kept talking until they reached their brothers's house and as always Tristan was waiting outside with his daughter

Cissa got out of the car and went to her brother and niece, Lora, before her and lora went inside and Tristan came to talk with Lorelai

"be careful"he told her, Tristan was once just like her now, reckless and careless so he knew exactly what she was going through

"always am"she winked at him

"Lor" he said carefully making her roll her eyes with a small smile on her lips, it was nice to know he cared

"I will be, don't worry" she told him and he nodded

"and if it's past 1 am don't go back home, sleep here okay?" told her her older brother and she nodded

"bye-bye, Tristan"

"bye, Lor"

and with that Lorelai was off to the club Gavi had sent her the address to, it was only a ten minutes ride so it wasn't that far which was good

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