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hectically amazing

that was the only way to describe this very day, just hectically amazing, or atleast in Lorelai Gilmore' mind it was

it was November 23rd, the day of the match Spain was playing against Costa Rica, and as some of the players were new they were freaked out and stressed for their first world cup and had no one but three prs to go to, and the one and only mikky

Lorelai was currently giving her boys and the rest  a pep talk before the big game began as everyone was at the stadium

"and remember, anything is possible if you just put your mind to it, you can do this guys, I believe in you, we all believe in you" she hyped them up as the match was about to start then looked at her watch and spoke again "now go fuck shit up"

and with that the girl left them and went to sit next to Naomi just as the match started and all the players came out

only a few minutes into the match someone came and say right next to her and said "hola"

she turned to look at who it was and saw none other than João Félix "hola! you came to watch us?"

"yes, thought it would be fun" he replied to her making her smile and turn back to the match

"oh and don't take it personally if I don't talk to you or answer you rudely when you say something to me, my whole brain heart and basically all of me is on that match and that match only" she told him making him laugh and nod just as Dani Olmo scores a goal for Spain and Lorelai begins cheering

João noticed her jersey, Gavi's, and wondered if they were more than just coworkers and curiousity took the best of him so he asked her but she only replied with a short no before cheering for Marco asensio's goal

it was kind of noticeable who Lorelai knew best out of the team, who she was closer to, pedri and gavi aside, just by the way she cheered for their goals, like ferran's penalty goal and goal in the second half of the match for example

but no one, absolutely no one can beat the way she cheered when gavi put in a beautiful goal at 75', and the way she smiled even brighter, if it was possible, when he pointed to her, dedicating that very goal to her, after scoring

but also nothing could beat the pang in Gavi's heart when he saw the Portugal player standing right next to her, sharing happy moments with her but he decided not to focus on that and to celebrate with Balde

after the match the celebration wasn't only gavi and Balde, it was everyone, the match had ended 7-0 and Lorelai had left the stands to go congratulate her boys on the pitch after they were, as she was allowed since she was a pr

"you did it! I told you could! you did so well! I'm so proud of you guys" she said smiling although her cheeks hurt as the guys went for a hug but she just stepped back " you're sweaty, go shower if you want a hug"

but two of the boys just looked at eachother and smirked following the girl around the pitch to hug her and catching her quite easily

"fucking disgusting" she mumbled as they let go of her laughing

"well you're just as gross now" said gavi poking out his tongue like a child

"fuck you"



wild was probably the only way to describe the after party of the match thrown by , ofcourse, the Spanish team

they had decided to invite all teams, not leaving one out, although some didn't come preferring to rest for their matches or weeping after losing, most did and it was one of the best parties thrown in decades

lost | P. gaviTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang