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Today was Lorelai's first day of work, actual work, she had files to sort, emails to check and all sorts of this to do

as soon as she came she was rushed to her actual office, it was quite spacious, it had a place for her things and a place for gavi's files, which she had to go through now

she ordered herself some coffee so she could function correctly then started going through the files before classing them from most to least important in a drawer

when she was done she started going through some emails, a channel wanted Pablo and Pedri to make an appearance on it so she decided to contact pedri's pr, mishelle  and discuss it with her

After she was done with that, it was 14:30 so she still had abit of time so she went to the field where the team was supposed to be practicing but surprisingly they weren't

they told her they finished early and decided to hang out until it was time to leave, they asked her to sit with them and she accepted not having anything else to do

Lorelai sat there with them for some time before it was time for her to go, to have lunch,

The team asked her to have lunch with them and she accepted their invitation seeing as she had absolutely nothing to do now and would rather not go home

they went to a local restaurant nearby that didn't let just anyone in, so that fans don't come rushing in, they had to tell them that rory really was with them so that they let her in

After getting a table, a waiter approached them and took their orders, Lorelai order a tuna salade and some coffee, she hadn't had any since the morning

the group just talked until the food and drinks arrived, though Lorelai had something to say about her drink so she called a waiter, ofcourse politely, the others were confused because no one ever had a problem with the restaurant, everything was perfect, it must've been a shock to the waiter too

"I'm sorry but is this the biggest size of coffee?" she asked holding up the mug

"yes, ma'am" replied the waiter

"are you sure?"


"well,do you have some type of small bowl you could fill up with coffee?" she asked making everyone look at her funnily

"you want a coffee bowl?" asked the waiter


" I'm sorry we don't have that" he told her still shocked at her request

"oh well, could you bring me three more cups of coffee?" she said taking a sip out of the cup" and could you make it stronger, please?"

"ofcourse"he said still shocked before leaving

she looked back to the guys who were all looking at her weirdly, she tilted her head to the side in confusion

"is something wrong?"

"did that actually just happen?"asked Alvaro

"a coffee bowl?" asked Pablo

"three more cups?"added pedri

"stronger?" ended Lewandowski

"oh, well, my coffee mugs are way bigger than this and I'm used to strong coffee" replied Lor with a small smile

"again fascinating " spoke pedri making her laugh slightly

"so, rory-"

"Lorelai or Lor"

"Lor, are you actually into football or?" asked ferran not continuing his sentence

"oh, I'm a very big football fan to many people's surprise" replied the brunette, most had thought of her as an anti sports type of girl because of her seemingly careless persona but the girl adored the sport

" I assume you're with spain" spoke ansu

"yes, and brasil, I also like france but I'm not with them" she replied catching Dembélé's attention

"you like france?"he asked her

"oh yes,my favourite on the team is probably griezmann" she said mindlessly making gavi scoff quietly"no offence"

"none taken" Ousmane replied pursing his lips

"and the song, ramenez la coupe a la maison, I adore it" she told him drinking her coffee

"really? you actually know it? not just the kylian mbappé part?" he asked surprised

"of course, I actually speak french fluently so I memorised the whole song quiet easily" she told him happily

"vraiment? tu parle français?" he asked her making her laugh and the other look at them confused

"oui vraiment et j'adore la langue" she replied in French

"voulait vous coucher avec moi" said pedri randomly making Dembélé look at him weirdly, Lorelai raise her eyebrow and gavi laugh as it was the only thing he understood in French

"bet" she winked at him before laughing along with the others


Although she had grown to hate her father after Theresa brainwashed him, Lorelai still hated fighting with him,

the whole fight had started in the first place because Theresa told him that Lorelai was spending the money she had put towards harvard on idiotic things, the money Lorelai gave her blood, sweat and tears for, money she had earned by herself because Theresa had convinced her father to not give her anything

"I worked for that money!I still work for my own money! and I'll spend it on whatever I want!" she exclaimed enraged

"I don't care, you don't know how to handle that money, give it to me" said Theresa

"no! so you can spend it how you did with Tristan?absolutely not, besides I'm 18, meaning of age, you can not decide anything for me anymore much less how I spend the money I earned" Lorelai snapped back

"whilst you're still living under my roof you will follow my rules!hand them to me" told her her stepmother

"this house isn't even yours! we both know father wrote it to tristan" smirked Lorelai

"get out!get out of my house! and don't come back!" she screamed as Lorelai stormed to her room" I said get out!"

Lorelai couldn't believe it, she had actually thrown her out, Lorelai got out of the house and closed her phone then looked down at her bag, where was hidden Theresa's phone

The proof she needed was with her, but at what cost?

lost | P. gaviOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora