Act 2: The Will to Protect Others

Start from the beginning

They could see a white-haired man with red pinkish eyes and snow-paled skin wearing a white, black and red coat with black pants and boots. The man's eyes settled on the sword sitting on Shirayuki's hip, making him raise an eyebrow.

"A Nichirin Sword?" he wondered, inspecting her before chuckling. "You're not a demon slayer, are you?" he guessed. Then smirking, he continued, "You're just a little blind girl pretending to be," making Shirayuki's hand go to the handle.

"Could you grab your brother and leave?" she asked, smiling at the oldest of the two, making her nod. Then, taking her brother's hand, the girl ran in the opposite direction, making Shirayuki smile before it faded. "You think I will just let them go away?" asked the demon before appearing in front of the two with his clawed hand.

Fortunately for them, Shirayuki appeared and blocked his attack. "Attacking unharmed people? Or maybe you are scared?" she challenged. The demon took off his coat, leaving him in a black shirt. "Scared? Girl, I have lived long enough to be scared of nothing," he said. Then, he cracked his neck and smirked. "If you think you have a chance, then entertain me," he challenged.

Still smiling, Shirayuki held her ground. "I will be fine. Don't worry," she reassured the two kids behind her. With a trembling body, the boy grasped his sister's hand. "Please be safe, miss Shirayuki," he said before running.

The demon could see Shirayuki grab the hilt of her sword. "So Shirayuki is your name, huh?" he asked. Nodding, she said, "You have good hearing," making him laugh. "Sarcasm won't get you anywhere," he said. Smiling, Shirayuki took a stance. "What is your name?" she wondered, making the demon smirk.

"Kozuno, but it's not like you will need it where you're going," he threatened. "And where would that be?" she asked. "Let me show you!" shouted Kozuno, rushing at her at full speed, making her jump over his attack.


Shuhei and Youkina were securing the running villagers to ensure their safety. "Okay, I think it was the last one," said Shuhei. Youkina looked toward the town and frowned. "I'm sure she will be fine, but we still need to find her," reassured her father.

Nodding, she was ready to go until she saw two small silhouettes running toward them. "There are still people," said Youkina, making her father look in this direction. "Children?" he asked with a frown. The two children arrived and breathed out of relief when they saw the other villagers. "Are you two okay?" asked Youkina.

The oldest sister took a deep breath before looking up. "A-are you related to Shirayuki?" she asked, looking at Youkina. Hearing this made her eyes widen before she grabbed her shoulders. "You saw Shira? Where is she?" she asked, distressed.

The girl shook in fear at her outburst but calmed down when Shuhei kneeled beside Youkina. "Youkina, you're scaring her," he said, making her release the girl and apologise. Then, patting his daughter's shoulder, he looked back at the girl.

"What is your name?" he asked, making her look at him. "M-my name is Risa, and this is my little brother Tasao," she introduced, making Shuhei nod. "My name is Shuhei, and this is my daughter Youkina," he replied, making the two kids nod. "You said you saw Shirayuki?" he asked.

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