Chapter 16 • Amnesia

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- Calum's POV -

I woke up with the worst headache of my life. I barely remembered last night. As I rubbed my eyes to wake up, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

I hardly spent any time with Eva on her last day. I wouldn't blame her if she was mad at me, if only Peyton hadn't kept me all night.

I don't know what's wrong with that girl, I told her many times I wasn't interested anymore but she wouldn't leave me alone. I kept trying to let her down easy because I didn't want the bad press if I caused a scene, but then she kissed me and I don't know what came over me.

All I hoped, was that Eva didn't see her kiss me, or how I reacted after.

I turn my body over in my warm bed to look at my phone.

Shit. It's noon. Eva probably missed her flight.

I get up with haste and walk down the hall to her room.

"Eva!", I knock on the door, "I think you might've missed your flight.", I add, knocking again.

No answer.

"Eva?", I knock again.

No answer.

"Look, I know you're probably mad at me and I'm sorry, can you please open up so we can talk?", I knock again.

No answer.

"Eva?", I whisper, turning the knob.

I peak my head in to see if she was still sleeping, but open the door to an empty room.

The bed was made, the closet was empty, the lights were off, no sign that anyone had ever been in here.

Maybe she's downstairs?

I leave her room and walk downstairs.


All that was left was a messy house from the party the night before.

No sign of Eva anywhere.

Could she have really left without saying goodbye? No note? No text? It didn't seem like something she would do.

I go back upstairs to Ashton's room.

"Hey Ash, you up?", I knock.

"Come in!", I hear a groggy Ashton call out.

I open the door to find Ashton still in bed.

"Hey, sorry to wake you, have you talked to Eva this morning?", I ask.

"No..", he says looking puzzled, "she's not in her room?", he asks.

"No, I just checked and shes not in the house, she wouldn't leave without saying goodbye..", I question.

"Yeah it doesn't seem like something she'd do, but maybe she was in a hurry?", he suggests.

"Maybe..I'll ask Crystal, if she said anything to anyone it would've been her.", I reply, getting up from the bed and making my way over to the door.

I walk over to one of the guest rooms, hoping Michael and Crystal were in it.

"Michael..Crystal..are you guys in here?", I knock.

Suddenly, I hear a different door open.

"Hey Cal, what's going on?", Luke asks with a yawn, opening the door to the room he was in.

"Morning Luke, sorry to wake you guys, I was just wondering if anyone's heard from Eva, it seems she left without saying goodbye..", I explain.

"Babe, you haven't heard from Eva this morning right?", he peaks back into his room to ask Sierra.

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