Chapter 14 • Easier

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- Eva's POV -

My days in California had been flying by, I had less than a week left before I was back in New York. I was struggling with that fact that Calum and I's future was so uncertain. We both had no idea what to do when the day came because neither of us had talked or even thought about it. I knew that conversation had to happen, but Calum and I were in no position to have it right now, we were having too much fun just being together.

Calum and I were basically attached at the hip. When we weren't volunteering, something the company made everyone do, despite the media being over what Calum did a while ago, we were just hanging out. We would do movie nights with everyone, we would go hiking, we walked Duke together, we even went grocery shopping together.

All of this and we still haven't even had our first kiss. We've came close a few times but something always gets in the way.

"Eva, whats on your mind?", Ashton asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, uh, nothing!", I say awkwardly. "These eggs are really good Ash, you spoil me, truly.", I joke.

"You're thinking about Cal, huh?", he asks with a grin.

Ashton and I have grown really close throughout our time together. We talk about anything and everything; and at this point, he could read me like a book.

"Fine. I guess i'm just wondering why Cal hasn't made a move yet, I'm only here a few more days, you'd think since we have so little time together, he'd want to make the most of it, ya know?", I blurt out.

Ashton starts laughing, "I mean, honestly..he's probably going really slow because he's thinks that's what you want. Have you tried making the move?", he asks.

" I just thought it would've happened naturally, I guess.", I say, taking another bite of my breakfast.

"I say, make the move, and see what happens.", he says.

"Yeah..maybe.", I reply, jumping back into my daydream.


"C'mon Duke, go potty!", Calum said in a stern voice.

"I think he's more interested in that hole he's digging..", I chuckle, walking up to Calum in the backyard.

"Yeah well, it's cold out here, so he needs to hurry", he says jokingly annoyed. "Have you figured out what you're gonna be for the Halloween party this weekend? It's your last night with us so we wanna go out with a bang!", he adds with a smirk.

"Not sure, I think I'll just wing it and do something simple, I don't really wanna buy a costume.", I laugh.

Calum's eyes widened like a kid on Christmas. "I have the best idea! You can be a trio with me and Ash! We're just wearing fancy clothes and getting bloody!", he exclaims.

" gangsters?", I ask with a laugh.

"Hm, yeah, I guess so.", he questions.

"Alright, well, I think I'll take you up on that offer Cal.", I reply.

"Ok so it's settled! We're gonna look great!", he says with a smile.

"Sounds good Cal, I'll start brainstorming", I say with a smirk, walking back into the house.


The next afternoon.

"Alright so this is our last week, I think we've made great progress this month, thanks to Eva, I think we've really gotten through to the band, especially Calum. I don't know what magic you've worked with him but he's like a new person!", says Margaret.

I blush at the thought that Calum changed because of me. I highly doubt I was the reason, but it made me happy that it was a possibility. I knew he was a good person, he was just frustrated.

"Yeah, I'm not sure I can take any credit, I think he just needed someone to talk to, really all I did was listen to him", I explain.

"Well, even if that's all he needed, I'm glad you could be that source for him. He's a good kid, just needs guidance..", she says with a smile. "..alright, so that was officially the last meeting of the week. You have two days to relax and enjoy your final days in LA, we go back to New York on Sunday morning, you'll all get an email with your travel itineraries soon. Thanks team.", she adds, standing up from her chair and heading out of the meeting room.

I stayed sat in my chair for a few moments, lost in thought.

Two days till I go back to New York. Two days to maybe make a move. I didn't even know if that's what I wanted, I mean, it is, but I've never had to initiate the first move, so this was a whole new territory for me.

Part of me doesn't even know why I would go through all this trouble for a guy I, number one, aren't even allowed to see, and number two, don't even know if I have a future with. There were so many reasons for me to say no. To say, why even try? To say it's completely pointless. To say it's idiotic to think a guy like Calum, who could have whoever he wanted, wanted me.

However, part of me also knows, if I didn't at least try to see it through, I would regret it. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but the hopeless romantic in me, wanted to see if it was even possible.


Hi guys! Sorry for the long time without updating! Unfortunately, I've been going through a lot lately. Sorry also for the short chapter, but next chapter is going to be long and eventful! Please bear with me!! I just recently went back to the drawing board and re-figured out how I want this story to play out so I'm super excited on what's next for Safety Net! Thank you to every reader!

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