Chapter 22: The Plan

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Rori, Dara, Kili, and Nuru were tired of Nigel having his way with them. They were weak and tired, but came up with a plan to escape.

"We can't live this way anymore. We need to find Kion and Rani," Nuru said. They nodded.

"Rori, you tell Nigel a lion is threatening his position. While he is gone, we sneak away, and you come back to us," Nuru explained. Rori nodded. She ran off to Nigel.

Nuru, Kili, and Dara waited for Rori to come back. Once she did, they ran off.

"Any idea where Kion and Rani are?" Dara asked. "Let's find their scent," Rori suggested. They all started searching for their scent.

"Got it. This way!" Kili shouted. They followed Kili.

Kion and Rani were gasping for breath. "That was amazing," Kion smirked at Rani. "Yeah it was," Rani smiled.

Suddenly, a branch broke. Kion stood defensively infront of Rani and growled. "Who's there!" Kion growled. He unsheathened his claws.

"Don't need to be overprotective now," Rori chuckled walking into the clearing, followed by Nuru, Dara and Kili.

Kion sheathed his claws. Rani stood up. "Are you guys ok!" She ran up and hugged them. "Yeah were fine. Still a little traumatized, but overall ok," Rori replied.

"What happened to Nigel?" Kion asked. "I killed him," Rori replied. Kion's eyes opened wide. "Really?"

Rori nodded with a smile. But then frowned, "I know our old home is safe now, but I don't want to live there anymore."

The others nodded.

Rani looked at Kion. "Well, me and Rani were planning on starting our own pride. Want to join us?" Kion asked. They nodded.

"Wait. Starting your own pride? Your mates now!" Rori shouted. Rani licked Kion's cheek. "Yep."

"IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Rori ran up and hugged Rani, followed by Nuru, Dara, and Kili. Kion didn't join.

"You to tough for hugs?" Kili asked with a smirk. "Well I just thought-" Kion was pulled into the hug.

"So what will the pride be called?" Nuru asked. Rani looked at Kion. "I was thinking, the Hope Pride," Kion replied. "I love it," Rani kissed him.

"So is the territory going to be here? I mean it's pretty cool here," Dara asked. "Yeah, why not," Rani smiled.

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