Chapter 4: Kicked Out

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Rani ran back to the Tree Of Life. She didn't want to be alone. Sure there was Kion, but he was a male.

Rani ran through the mountain pass. She found her parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Rani yelled. She ran to them. They glared at her. "What are you doing here Rani," Ananda growled.

Rani was Speechless. "You decided to mistreat us, then leave. Your not welcome here anymore, leave," Sahasi ordered. Rani cried as she ran out of the Tree Of Life.

Kion realized Rani was gone, but he could care less. She cared about no one but herself, and when he was kind to her, she just growled at him.

Kion stood up and walked away. He did what any male lion his age would do. He looked around for a pride to take over.

Rani cried. She couldn't believe her parents kicked her out of the Tree Of Life. She ran to a lake, and looked at her reflection. She sighed.

"Grandmother?" Rani asked. Janna showed up in the clouds. "Yes dear. What is it?" Janna asked. "I've been kicked out of the Tree Of Life. I was mean to mom and dad, and now they don't want to see me anymore," Rani cried.

"Rani, maybe you should try and not be rude all the time. I know your upset because I died. I'm upset myself, but you shouldn't mistreat others because of it," Janna said. Rani sighed and nodded, "Thanks Grandmother." Janna dipped her head, and faded away.

Kion searched all day for a pride to take over, but no luck. Kion sighed, "Guess I'll just have to wait. Patience is the best kind of medicine," Kion said to himself. He curled up under a tree, and fell asleep.

Even though darkness filled the sky, Rani kept walking. She didn't know where she was going, or what she was going to do.

Rani looked down at her paws as she walked. She watched the dark grass move beneath her paws.

Rani looked up at the sky. The moon was shining as bright as the sun. She went to a tree, and fell asleep.

Rani tossed and turned. She couldn't fall asleep. She groaned in annoyance. Rani stood up, and ran, hoping to burn off her energy.

Rani felt the cold wind blow through her fur. She shivered. Rani stopped running. She layed down and looked up at the stars.

She smiled as she remember her and Sahasi did this when she was young.


Rani layed on her back and looked at the sky. "Woah!" She gasped. "There's like, gazillions of stars!" Sahasi chuckled and layed beside her. "Look at that one, it looks like your mom," Sahasi said.

Rani looked at where her dad pointed

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Rani looked at where her dad pointed. "It does!" She gasped. Rani looked around. "That one looks like a cloud," Rani said. Sahasi looked up and laughed. "That's because it is a cloud silly." "Oh," Rani sighed.

Janna walked up to them. "Can I join you? "Yay grandma!" Rani squeaked.

End of flashback:

Rani sighed. She wished she hadn't acted like that at the tree. Then she would still be with her family. Rani closed her ryes and fell asleep.

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