Chapter 7: Hunting

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Kion walked beside Rani as she led the lionesses to a hunting ground.

Kion spotted a gazelle. He got into a hunting crouch, and slowly walked toward the gazelle. Kion jumped and bit the gazelles neck, killing it.

"Alright, half the pride get a zebra. The other half some more gazelle," Kion said. The lionesses nodded.

They crept closer to the gazelle and zebras.

Rani was on the side of the pride hunting gazelles

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Rani was on the side of the pride hunting gazelles. The other half of the pride attacked first, chasing the zebra.

They took it down quick and easy

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They took it down quick and easy. Rani's side of the pride stalked the gazelle.

Rani was the first to attack, followed by the others

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Rani was the first to attack, followed by the others. That all ran after the gazelle.

 That all ran after the gazelle

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They brought the gazelle down. Kion carried his gazelle to the center, one half of the pride put their zebra next to Kion's gazelle, and the second half put their gazelle by the zebra.

"Nice job," Kion said. "Thank you," The lionesses all said in unison.

They all ate their catch. The sun started setting.

"Um Kion," Rani walked up to Kion. "Oh hey Rani," Kion replied licking blood off his muzzle.

"So I just got here, as you know, and I don't have a den," Rani said. "Oh we can show you to a den," Nuru said. Rani smiled, "Thank you." Rani walked back to the lionesses.

Kion walked to his den, and went to sleep. His first day as king was fun.

Rani and the lionesses all hangout in one den, sometimes they all sleep in it together, sometimes not.

"Ok, what's some new gossip?" Rori asked. Everyone looked at Rani. "What?" Rani asked. "C'mon Rani, spill the catch, tell us a secret you have," Kili said.

"Oh I don't really like doing that stuff," Rani replied. "You have to Rani," Dara said. Rani sighed.

"I kinda like Kion," Rani admitted. The lionesdes gasped. "Wait, why are we all shocked? It's pretty normal, I mean, what lioness wouldn't fall in love with Kion," Kili said.

"Ok back to Rani," Rori said. Rani tucked her ears down. "Sooo, are you going to tell him?" Rori asked. "Holy Kings Of The Past no!" Rani shouted. "Oh ok," Kili chuckled.

The lionesses continued talking about random things, but mainly Kion.

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