"Stupid idiot." Violet whispered, getting off of her knees, rubbing her forehead.

She looked around at who was where, a few people were tending to those who were ill, no sign of those she knew. 

"Do you guys need help?" She walked over to those gathered around the fire, a few helping people into the dropship.
"Yeah, help get people into the dropship," Somebody spoke, handing her a cloth, "put it over your mouth and nose."

She did as she was told, putting her arm around somebody's waist, helping them up as they coughed.
"Come on, I got you." Violet whispered, "Calvin, right?" She looked at the boy she was helping as he nodded.
She let him take his time, walking him towards the drop ship, one arm holding the cloth over her mouth and nose, and the other tightly wrapped around his waist.
"Okay, here you go." She whispered, pushing the curtain out of the way.
Dozens of other people were laying in the drop ship, while Violet watched somebody pulling a body out, placing in on a grey tarp just outside the drop ship, another body nearby.

"Lay him down over there." Clarke told her.
"Here, lay down, watch your head." Violet whispered.
"Thank you." Calvin whispered.
"Violet you need to get out of here, now." Clarke spoke quietly.
"I was just trying to help."
"I know, but you don't need to help anymo- what the hell did you do to your head?" Clarke put her hand on Violets forehead, pressing on the swollen bump.
"What?" Violet put her hand on her forehead, looking at the blood on her fingers.
"Oh," she laughed nervously, "I don't know, I hit it somewhere I guess."
"Go, go wash your hands and get out of here, okay? Thank you for helping."

Violet nodded, leaving the drop ship as she took the cloth off of her face, tossing it aside where others had left theirs.
She poured a bottle of water over her hands, scrubbing the dirt off of them with a clean cloth, and using her shirt to dry them as she turned towards the front of the dropship, as people brought more bodies out of the dropship.

"ALRIGHT! SHOWS OVER, GET BACK TO YOUR POSTS!" Bellamy spoke loud enough for everybody to hear him.
"You got enough food in there, water?" He turned around, looking at Clarke.
"Yeah. Some medicine might be nice."
"I'll see what I can do." He nodded,

"Octavia, you okay?" He raised his voice, which stopped Clarke as she turned back towards him again.
Octavia had been another person volunteering to help out.
He waited a few seconds for a reply, before starting to walk up the ramp, as Clarke sighed. "Bellamy, wait! She's not here. I sent her to see Lincoln."
Bellamy's face scowled, as he stared at the ground for a moment.

Violet walked back towards the dropship, standing in a group with other people as she picked through a table of random clothes, looking for a different shirt to replace hers.

"Look, if there's a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go." Clarke spoke.

"If anything happens to her, you and me are gonna have problems."
"Bellamy, Bellamy wait!"

"Get out of my way!" Bellamy pushed past the group Violet was standing in, as one of the boys turned around.
"Dude, your eyes!" 

Violet looked at him, his eyes bloodshot and blood dripping down his cheeks.

"NOBODY TOUCH HIM!" Somebody shouted, a rifle pointed at him, as Bellamy began to back away.

"Get to the dropship, now!" Bellamy told him, as he started walking, at a painfully slow pace.

Violet turned feeling a hand against her shoulder as one of the girls stumbled, "Hey, are you okay?" Violet grabbed her arms, as she coughed spewing blood all over Violets face.

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