Jupiter and Saturn

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He led Violet up to the dropship where they had Jasper resting away from the others, as Finn joined Octavia and Monty sitting across from them at a small table, Violet taking a seat on the floor on the opposite side of the room.

"Found this in an abandoned car wreck." He pulled the bottle of alcohol out of his bag, passing it to Octavia.

"Disgusting, love it." Octavia grimaced at the taste of the alcohol, passing the bottle back to Finn.

He looked over at Violet, who was tying knots into an old rope she had found.

He lifted the bottle to his lip, pausing as somebody spoke.

"H-hey, can I get a hit of that?"


"Oh my god!"

Violet stood up, dropping her rope, as her and the others gathered around him.

"Let's start you off with something soft." Finn placed his left hand under Jaspers head, helping him lift enough to take a drink of water from the canteen.
Violet stood on her toes, trying to look at Jasper.

"Come here." Finn placed the canteen down on the table, putting his arms around Violet, lifting her off the ground enough to see Jasper.

"Hey, Violet."

"Hi." She smiled.

She leaned down enough to give Jasper a hug, eager to see that he was okay.

"Welcome back, buddy." Finn smiled.

"Was that a dream or did I get speared?" He smiled weakly.

"You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it." Clarke came up the ladder, smiling to see Jasper awake.

"My savior!" Jasper greeted her.

"Thank you, for not dying. I don't think I could've taken that today." She smiled, with tears in her eyes.

"I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool." Jasper joked, weakly.

Octavia put her hand on his leg, happy to see her friend was okay.

"Oh, hello!" He smiled, earning a laugh out of everyone and more smiles.

"Alright, let's let him sleep."

"Violet, I know you just slept like ten hours, so I don't expect you to sleep anytime soon." Finn nudged her arm, whispering, "Wanna go with me, exploring?"

She nodded, grinning eagerly.

"Come on, kid."

She walked over to where she had been sitting, grabbing the rope off the floor, and the bow and arrows she had made earlier off the table, shoving them in her pockets, and following Finn down the ladder.

Violets boots crunched against the fallen leaves in the campsite, not being able to see anything in front of her aside from what was above the newly built walls, that had been built after the grounders nearly killed Jasper.

Her feet stayed in one pattern, carrying her out the walls, and down the ridge, Finn walking besides her.

"You really don't know why your parents got floated?" Finn asked, his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Not really." She shrugged.
"Don't you get curious?"
"All the time, but I'm never going to figure it out."
"Maybe you will." Finn tried to give her some hope.
"Maybe, I don't know."

"Come on, over here."
She followed Finn through a few bushes, heading towards their right.
"Water." Violet could hear the sound of a stream.
"A river." Finn spoke, pushing a thick branch of thorns and leaves out of his way, holding it out of the way for her.

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