Twilights Last Gleaming

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"Violet, come on! We gotta go!"
Violet opened her eyes, Finn standing right in front of her.
"There's a a drop ship, it landed not too far from here."  Clarke blew out the candles as Violet stood up, grabbing her boots off the floor and tying them.
"We should stop at camp, get some gear. Weapons."
"They probably sent some down. It's too small to be a dropship, I'm thinking cargo pod."

"No, they wouldn't arm a bunch of juvenile delinquents. It's probably nutritional packs, medical supplies. There'd be a radio!"
"We could talk to the Ark?" Finn looked up at her.
"That is if the radio wasn't fried during reentry."
"We're not alone down here anymore, that's a good thing."
"Yeah, not for Wells, or Charlotte, or Atom."
"But nobody thought any of us would survive. But we did. Take a minute to appreciate that."

Clarke nodded, looking down at Violet who was sitting on the floor watching them.
"Okay. Minutes done."
She blew out the last candle, as Violet stood up holding onto Finn's hand as they navigated through the dark bunker, up to the ladder.

"You got it Violet?"
Finn was already climbing ahead of her, with Clarke bringing up the rear.
"Yeah." She groaned, climbing up behind Finn.
He opened the trapdoor, a small amount of sunlight peaking through as he climbed up, holding his hand out towards Violet.
She took his hand, pulling herself up towards him, as Clarke made it up on her own.

"This way, come on." Clarke sighed, making her way through thick trees and shrubbery.
"How do you know it was a pod?" Violet asked, stepping over a twig.
"We saw it come down, parachutes and everything." Clarke told her.
"How big was it?"
"Violet, you'll see when we get there, save the questions for later." Finn laughed, pushing through the bushes, as they made it back into camp.

"Looks like everybody's up." Finn said quietly.
The three of them walked back into camp, a surprising amount of people awake for such early hours.
"Hey! Did you guys see that? It was from the Ark right? It had to be!" A taller girl ran up to them, excited over the cargo pod.

"Grab your stuff, let's find out." Clarke invited her.
"Bellamy said we're gonna wait until sunrise, he said with the grounders and all it's too risky."

"Where is he?"
She pointed to one of the larger tents, as Clarke ran ahead, Finn and Violet following her, as she ducked her head under, coming into the tent.

"Ever heard of knocking, bitch?"

Finn and Violet came in next, looking around as Violet covered her eyes, the girl was exposed, only in a bra and shorts.
"Oh, great, it's a free show. Anyone else wanna take a look? She covered herself with a blanket, her arms crossed.
"Where the hell is Bellamy?"
"He took off awhile ago."

"Gears gone."  Finn pointed out, realizing there were no bags or weapons left in the tent.
"He told everyone to stay, whatever's in that thing, he wants it! We've gotta get there before him." Clarke sighed, the three of them leaving the girl alone in the tent.

Violet ran after Clarke and Finn, walking besides them.
"Are you sure he's going after the pod?"
"Where else would he have gone Violet?"
"This isn't your fault Clarke." Finn looked at her.
"I should have known he'd go for that radio."
"How are you supposed to know something like that?"
"Because! He's spent every second since we landed making sure no one on the Ark finds out what we're alive."
They passed by a weapons table, Clarke picking up a small knife, and shoving it in her pocket.
"It doesn't mean you can predict what people are gonna do!"
"That's exactly what I have to do! I screwed up. Let myself get distracted."
"You don't have to predict all of it." Violet offered.
"Violet, you're too young to understand, it's easier to know than not, okay?"
Violet nodded.
They walked in an awkward silence for the rest of the walk, the sun beginning to rise over the horizon, a warm muggy heat becoming noticeable.

"Should we split up? Less ground to cover?"
"Yeah. You go that way, we'll check the bottom!"
Clarke ran off in a different direction from Violet and Finn, the two of them headed towards the bottom of the ridge.
"Come on, Violet!"
Violet held onto Finn's hand, following him through the woods, headed towards the river where Octavia had been attacked.
"We gonna talk about it?"
"Talk about what?"
"You waking up screaming in the middle of the night?"
"No, no we are not."
Finn stopped, observing the surroundings for a moment, before stopping.
"I have an idea, come here."
Violet walked over to him, looking up at him with a blank expression.
Finn put his hands around her waist, as she held onto his arms.
"Grab that branch, we can see farther out."
Violet grunted, grabbing onto a branch high off the ground.
She breathed, pulling her body up onto the branch, her legs dangling off.
"Use your arms, you got it."
She took a deep breath, pulling her legs over, sitting on the branch.
"Can you see anything?"
She squinted, peering around the forest turning her head towards the west.
"There!" She pointed far off into the distance.
He looked into the direction she was pointing, not being able to see anything but the thick green trees.
"There's smoke!"
"Hopefully that's a good sign," he sighed, pulling his bag around his shoulder.
"Come on." He held his hands out towards Violet, helping her back to the ground, the two of them headed towards the smoke, only walking for a brief ten minutes in silence.

"Finn, look!" Violet looked up, pointing through the trees at the dense, grey smoke ahead of them.
He stopped, realizing how close they were.

"Come on!" She laughed, running ahead of him, through the bend in the trees.

"Violet, wait up!" Finn shouted after her, picking up his pace, coming up a few feet behind her.


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