Earth Kills

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"You're mad." Finn sighed, walking up to Clarke.
"I'm not mad. You want to think Jaspers a lost cause, go ahead. You're wrong."

"I hope I am."
"Whatever this stuff is, it has to have had antibiotic properties." Clarke observed the medicinal poultice, turning it in her hands.

"Let me take a look," Wells joined the two of them, earning a slightly disapproving look from Clarke, "Before you refuse my help, remember who aced botany in Earth Skills class."
"The grounders used it as a poultice. I'm thinking it might be even more effective, if, we can figure out what it is."
"I know what it is. Seaweed." Wells flipped the patch over in his hand. "Look, no root structure."
"Alright, well then there must be a water source nearby."
"Yeah, it would have to have a slow current, lots of rocks. The water would probably be more red then green." Wells agreed.
"I know just the place." Finn looked up.
"Alright, let's go." Clarke stood up quickly, getting ready to leave.

"Hey! I know what this stuff looks like, do you?"
"Clarke he is right, we need him."
She turned around, facing Wells and nodded at him.
"W-wait, I wanna take Violet with us." Finn stopped the group.
"The kid?"
"She's more than a kid, she's got smarts, and besides I feel bad for her. It's been two days without her getting any sleep, she needs a break."
"Hurry up." Clarke sighed, as Finn took off towards the dropship.

"What does he see in Violet, that I can't see?"
"You haven't figure it out yet?"
"Figured what out yet?"
"She's like his little sister."
Finn climbed up the ladder, finding Octavia holding a cold cloth over Jaspers forehead, and Violet sitting against the back wall, evidently exhausted and probably miserable.
"Hey Violet, we're headed to get Jasper medicine, come with us."
"What?" She looked up, not hearing much of what he said.
He smiled, holding his hand out, "Come on, adventure time."
She stood up, following him down the ladder.
"Why do you want me to come?"
"Because you've got the smarts, and you're a good kid."
"You're lying through your teeth."
"Was it that obvious?"
"I want you to come and get away from Jaspers pain, and the idiots who want to kill him."
She nodded, as they caught up to Clarke and Wells.
"We all ready?" Clarke asked.
Violet nodded.
They headed off into the forest with enough time to get home before dark.

"You should really rethink this whole hating me thing.
It's not just the grounders, we're surrounded by criminals, we need each other. We're gonna be friends again." Wells sighed.
"Hey! I'm not a criminal!" Violet kicked the back of his leg, as he turned around and apologized.
"We're surrounded by criminals, except Violet."
"You got my dad killed. Not possible."
"This is Earth, Clarke. Anything's possible."

"Come on." Finn whispered quietly, grabbing Violets hand as he pulled her, helping her up a steep patch of the woods.
"I'd let it go." Finn told Wells.
"Yep," Wells breathed, "Well I've known Clarke her whole life, better than you ever will do I'll decide when to let it go."

"Yeah, I can tell you guys are close." Finn said sarcastically.
Violet stepped on something, making a odd 'clang' as she moved off of it, and Finn brushed his hand around the leaves, clearing it off.
"What is it?" Clarke asked.
He grunted, pulling on a metal handle, as Violet looked into the ground.
"Ha!" He laughed.
"It's an automobile." Wells nodded.

"Come on, guys! This things been here a hundred years, it can wait. Jasper can't." Clarke objected, watching both Finn and Violet observe the car, before following after her and Wells.

They hiked for another few minutes, before Clarke shouted out.
"Hey! I think we're here."
They came up to a clearing, a downhill path leading to an abundance of rocks, surrounding a river.

Violet let go of Finns hand, observing the drop, before she jumped down.
"Violet!" Finn jumped down after her, looking at her as she shrugged.
Clarke and Wells jumped down after him, as Finn turned towards them, "So, what does this seaweed look like?"
"Like that." Wells pointed to a red plant floating in the water.
"Hey, that thing that bit Octavia, how big was it?" Wells swallowed.
"Big. We could rig this into some kind of a net."
Finn pulled his bag off his shoulder, "Find something to lower it in the water."

"That works too." Violet pointed to Clarke, the others looking up as Finn shrugged. "I guess that does work."
She got out chest deep into the water, pulling the red plant back to the shore with her.
Violet sat on her knees, cupping her hands together as she drank the river water, enjoying how cold it was. The sound of cawing and squawking echoed, as the unfamiliar noise startled them, all of them looking up to a swarm of ravens flying towards them.

"Uh oh."
"Let's get out of here."
Clarke nodded, holding the plant in her hands, moving out of the water where she had been standing.

"What the hell is that?"
A loud horn blew, as Violet paused, looking in the direction it came from.
"Grounders?" Clarke breathed.
"It could be a war cry." Wells suggested.
"Or a warning." Violet pointed to the same bend the birds had come from, a massive poison yellow colored fog barreling towards them, bringing thunder and what seemed like lighting in its path.

"What the fuck is that?" Finn asked, not expecting an answer.
"Run. Run!" Clarke yelled.
The four of them ran, kicking stones off the ground with their feet.
Violet slid down the ridge, falling behind the others as they climbed up with little to effort, her feet sinking into the dirt as she struggled.
"F-Finn!" Her voice squeaked as she grew afraid.
Finn looked back, running back towards her.
"Shit! Give me your hand, give me your hand!" Finn shouted, reaching for her. 
Finn grabbed her, pulling her the rest of the way up as he grabbed her elbow, pushing her past himself.

Wells was standing in front of the old automobile they had found, holding the door open.
"Get in! Get in!"
Wells jumped in first, then Clarke.
Wells held his hands out to catch Violet, as she jumped down, using his arms as support, just as Finn jumped down and shut the old door.
"It's seeping through the cracks, find something to cover it!" Clarke coughed.
Violet coughed, as she pushed Clarkes jacket through the cracks to seal it.

Violet sat down against the wall of the vehicle, breathing quickly, coughing hard enough to make herself gag as she groaned.
Finn stood up, looking through the old moss and grime covered windows, using his sleeve to clean them.
"It's still out there."
"Look we should make a run for it, Jasper can't wait much longer." Clarke paced back and forth impatiently.
"Us dying in a cloud of acid fog isn't gonna help Jasper either."

Finn jammed his arm into something, making a metallic banging sound, as something fell to the ground.

"Is that-"
"Booze. Hooch. Rotgut." Finn laughed, picking the bottle up off the ground.

He sat down next to Violet, trying to pry the cork lid out of the neck of the bottle, making a pop as it came off.
"Well, careful, Finn, it could be-"
"Whiskey, I think," He took a swig, grimacing at the taste, "better than the moonshine on agro station."

"Alcohols toxic." Wells looked at Finn, almost disgusted with his behavior.
"This is Earth. Everything's toxic. Plus, it's a time-honored rite of passage."
"We'll pass." Wells cut him off, speaking for both himself and Clarke.
Clarke looked at him with pure anger, hatred, as she
grabbed the bottle out of Finn's hand, taking a swig and coughing. "Far be it from me to stand in the way of tradition."
Violet laid down against the floor, her head resting on Finn's leg.
"Don't even think about giving Violet any." Wells warned.
"Why would I do that-" Finn was interrupted by Violet sitting up, and pulling the bottle out of his hands as she took a sip and passed it back to him.
"Hey!" Wells gasped.
"I was gonna say I'd be a terrible father." Finn burst into laughter earning smiles from Wells and Clarke.

"That tastes like crap, you're still a good dad." Violet laughed, laying down on his legs again.

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